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"Louis?" Someone whispered from the hallway.

Louis knew that it was Harry. He already recognized his voice. He snuck out of bed and got out of the bedroom he shared with Eleanor. She was sound asleep.

"Hi." Louis smiled and squeezed his balls that were growing out like clockwork.

"It stings, right?" Harry smirked and tilted his head in the direction of Louis' crotch.

"Yeah." Louis chuckled.

They walked down the corridor to get the rest of the boys. Niall came out of his room with the ropes.
"Hi, guys!"

Liam and Zayn joined them. They tied a rope to a bed just like the night before and climbed down to the next floor. They made it to the second floor as well.
"I wanna check out the pool for real." Niall said.

They tied one final rope and climbed to the ground floor, which contained the pool area and a garage.

They stepped out of their pajamas. Niall walked over to feel how cold the water was when Louis jumped in like a cannonball and splashed water on him. Niall screeched.

"It's nice! Get in!" Louis said.

Harry was next in line to jump in. He came up to the surface and swam to Louis. Soon they all were in the pool.

They spent hours swimming and playing in the water having fun. Louis noticed that Harry seemed to seek his company at every given chance and he liked that. Harry was a great guy.

They almost missed the clock striking, but when their dick started to extract they knew they had to get back to their bedrooms. They climbed the ropes but since they were one more floor below that the previous night it took them longer to get back. They managed to get back in their beds minutes before their owner came into the playroom to dress them for the day.

The weekends were pretty boring since they didn't have any time by themselves during the day. Their owner wasn't in school which meant that she played with them the whole day.

Saturday was warm and sunny. She put them all in the new car. Louis had trouble sleeping since Harry was seated in his lap while their owner pulled the car back and forth on the driveway. He wasn't the only one awake. When their owner needed a bathroom break and left them outside by themselves Harry spoke up.
"I hope I'm not too heavy?" He whispered.

"Of course not." Louis replied in a low voice.

Eleanor interrupted them.
"I should be the one sitting in your lap, Louis. I'm your girlfriend after all."

"For fucks sake, El. No, that's just our owner pretending!" Louis muttered.

"Whatever." Eleanor snorted.

That was the end of their conversation since their owner came out of the house and continued to play. They had a picnic in the grass. Louis was facing Niall and could see him glancing longingly at the plastic food on the blanket. Louis had to contain himself from bursting out laughing. Poor Niall!

At dinner, their owner took them inside and placed them in the house before she went to eat. Louis sat next to Harry on the sofa and they held a low conversation. Louis knew he would be so tired during the night but it was worth staying awake now just to be able to have these quick chats with Harry.

Their owner returned to the playroom munching on a cookie. She placed it inside the house and started to play with them until it was time for bed. She made sure to change them into their pajamas and put them in their beds before she left the room. Louis decided to get a couple of hours of sleep until midnight when they could get out of their rooms.

He woke up from the burning sensation in his crotch when his dick grew out. Even if it happened every night he would never get used to the strange feeling.

He hurried to get out of the room and bumped into Harry who gave him a friendly smile. Before they could say anything Niall emerged from his room looking over excitedly.
"She left it!"

"What are you talking about?" Louis questioned.

"That food item. A cookie! She forgot about it. Come on! It's just one floor down." Niall said and threw the rope over the edge. He had already secured it to his bedpost.

When Zayn and Liam came out of their rooms Niall was already halfway down.
"What's the hurry?" Zayn wondered.

"Cookie." Harry explained.

"Ah!" Liam smiled.

They climbed the rope and headed after Niall who had found the half-eaten cookie.
"Just look at it. Perfection." Niall said dreamily and caressed the crusty top.

"You know you can't eat that, right?" Louis questioned.

"I beg to differ." Niall replied and dug in. He managed to break a piece off and immediately took a bite.

They watched him eat, half amused, half worried.
"It's incredible!" Niall moaned.

"Wanna join me in the jacuzzi?" Harry asked and when Louis realized that he was talking to him he immediately agreed.

Harry grabbed one of the ropes that Niall had tossed to the side.
"We're going to the jacuzzi." He announced.

"We better stay and watch over Niall. Who knows what that will do to him." Liam answered and tilted his head at Niall who struggled to break another piece off.

Harry tied the rope and climbed to the third floor. Louis started to climb when he heard Niall wail. He looked over the edge.
"Are you okay?"

"My stomach hurt. I need a toilet!" Niall said and ran.

*Do you need our help?" Louis asked but Liam and Zayn waved him off.

While Niall managed to pull his pajama bottoms down last second and sat on the toilet while the cookie spurted out of him Harry and Louis made their way to the jacuzzi.

Harry undressed and got in. Louis suddenly felt very conscious about being naked in front of his friend but when Harry asked if he didn't want to soak in the tub he hurried to undress and got in the jacuzzi. The warm water relaxed him.

It was nice spending some time alone with Harry. They shared their hopes and dreams for the future. Their options were limited of course since they were dolls, but that didn't mean they couldn't fantasize.

The warm water and the fact that Louis had stayed awake for most of the day lulled him into sleep. He wasn't the only one. Harry rested his head on his shoulder and fell asleep as well.

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