Interlude II: Landon's P.O.V

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I looked down to my body and frowned. I had finally achieved my dream and become a Garchomp capable of using Draco Meteor. All it took was for my trainer to almost die. Amazing!

I can still feel the weight of those emotions surging through me, even as I reflect back on that fateful incident. The memories are vivid, etched into my very being. The overwhelming guilt that engulfed me was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It gnawed at my core, twisting and turning, as I grappled with the idea that I could have lost my trainer, my best friend. I remember the panic and helplessness that washed over me as the ship sank beneath the unforgiving waves. As our trainer recalled us all but Nephele, who valiantly attempted to lift Ash and Celeste to safety, but her wings, delicate and cotton-like, were not built for such adversity. The water soaked through her feathers, sapping her strength, and we began to descend, our escape slipping away. And then, out of sheer luck, a savior arrived in the form of a Dragonite from Dragonite Island.

Ash was saved, but the aftermath of the ordeal remained etched in my soul.

The thought of losing Ash was the scariest thing I've ever faced, causing fury to surge within me. The anger was an inferno, blazing through my veins. How could this happen? How could I let my trainer be endangered like this? The flames of my rage burned brightly, fueling my determination to protect him at any cost. As the days passed, the guilt persisted, lingering like a shadow. It taunted me, reminding me of my perceived failure, of the danger Ash had faced because of me. Those emotions became a catalyst, propelling me forward in my evolution. The intense desire to become stronger, to be a force that could protect Ash from any threat, consumed me.

With each surge of power that coursed through my body during my evolution, I felt a mix of determination, relief, and a touch of awe. My form shifted and changed, the ground trembling beneath me as I emerged as a Garchomp. The guilt that once burdened me transformed into a steely resolve, a burning determination to become the unwavering guardian my trainer deserved. From that moment on, my purpose was clear. I would train harder than ever before, honing my skills to become a formidable partner to Ash. The emotions that propelled my evolution, the guilt, the anger, and the fierce loyalty, would forever shape my journey. I would protect Ash with all my might, never again allowing him to face such peril.

"You need to stop sulking," Drako sighed from where he was cuddling Bruce and Nephertite."You are almost as bad as Ele," he pointed towards to our Alpha, who was brooding under the shade of a big tree in Professor Oak's Ranch. "None of us was capable of flying when the ship went down and no one thought of Ele's wings being affected by the rain. Now you can fly and Aeolus will be able to carry Ash once he evolves into Dragonite." He took a deep breath, bringing the little ones closer to him. "It was scary... we almost lost our trainer. To make things worse I never thought that would be possible to begin with! But it is... and we can't protect him by sulking!" He glared at me, but I was too focused wondering when he grew up? "You evolved the first time for Nephertite and the second one for your desire to protect Ash. You big brother are a trueborn protector, start acting like one!"

I was stunned by his harsh words... but he was completly right. What are we even doing acting like petulant children? We are dragons! With determination I stood up and marched towards our Alpha. "Get up!" I demanded, earrning a startled look from her. "Enough brooding! You are a dragon! Be a dragon!"

Alpha raised her head, her eyes narrowing at my sudden outburst. She tilted her head slightly, considering my words. The weight of the recent events still hung heavily in the air, but my conviction seemed to resonate with her. "You speak with fire, young one," she rumbled in a deep, commanding tone. "But words alone do not make us dragons. It is our actions that define us." She stretched her wings, the shadows of doubt slowly dissipating as determination began to fill the air around her.

I could see a flicker of resolve igniting within her, reigniting the spirit that had been dampened by the near loss of our trainer. Slowly but surely, she rose from her resting place, her mighty wings unfolding to their full span. With a powerful beat, she took to the skies, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

I turned my attention to Bruce and Nephertite, who were still nestled closely to Drako, listening intently to our exchange. "And what about you two?" I asked, my voice firm but tinged with genuine concern. "Are you going to cower in fear, or are you going to embrace your potential?"

Bruce blinked his large, round eyes, seemingly startled by my directness. He glanced at Nephertite, the timid Goomy, who shrank back slightly. Drako, sensing their hesitation, gently nuzzled them both, his voice now softer and reassuring. "You are not defined by your limitations," he murmured, his tone filled with compassion. "Rather, it is your determination to overcome them that makes you strong. Embrace the power that lies within you. For you, too, are protectors in your own right."

Bruce and Nephertite exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from uncertainty to determination. They stood taller, their small forms infused with newfound resolve. They unfurled their wings, small as they were, and took hesitant steps forward. Together, the four of us stood as a united front, gazing at the expanse of the ranch before us. The weight of our recent failures and near-loss still lingered, but it no longer consumed us. We had found our purpose once more, driven by a fierce loyalty and an unyielding desire to safeguard our trainer.

In that moment, our hearts beating with synchrony, we felt the power of the dragon coursing through our veins. We were no longer sulking children but mighty beings ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The near-loss of our trainer had awakened a dormant strength within us, and we were determined to protect Ash Ketchum with all our might. The winds whispered our names, carrying with them a sense of anticipation. We took a deep breath, our spirits soaring with newfound resolve. The time had come to rise above our fears and doubts, to become the dragons we were destined to be. Together, we spread our wings and took flight, ready to face the future with unwavering determination and the unbreakable bond between trainer and pokemon.

It did not take long for Alpha to return with our trainer, who stopped for a second to observe us before a proud smile spread through his lips. "You all seem to be back on your feet... good." I preened under the praise. "Especially, since Professor Oak just handed me our new teammate." I raised an eyebrow at that, two teammates so soon? It took Ash years to get five of us, and now in only a couple of days he got two. Maybe that is what makes pokemon journeys special. "There's this tariner Damian that failed the psychological test and did not get his starter. So, Professor Oak offered him to me."

"A starter pokemon? I did not know that Kanto offered dragon-types as starters," Drako commented.

"They do not, but they do offer a Charmander," Alpha corrected him gently. "Their evolution Charizard can Mega Evolve into a fire/dragon dual-type."

"I decided to name him Agni, after the god of fire, messengers, and purification," Ash continued. "Are you ready to meet him?" We all rapidly roared in agreement, making Ash laugh and then release our new Thunder member. I smirked when I saw the look of awe Agni had, especially when I realized he had a fire within those baby eyes... he wanted power, just like any other dragon. Good, he will fit perfectly with us. "Let's see what we are working with," Ash took out his Pokedex.

Pokemon: Charmander (Agni).

Gender: Male.

Ability: Blaze.

Type: Fire.

Move set: Ember, Leer, Skull Bash, Rage, Tackle, and Slash.

Egg moves: Dragon Tail and Metal Claw.

NOTE: The Egg move has yet to be unlocked.

"Not bad/Not bad," Ash and I said at the same time, making Agni preen.

Not bad at all...

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