Lily of the Valley Conference - Part IV

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"How are you?" Celeste asked Ash softly. "The semifinals are in just a couple of hours."

"I feel like I am about to die, Cel," Ash snorted. "Darkrai... for Arceus' sake, we are about to face a Darkrai! How in the Distortion World is that something I can say without sounding mad? There should be some kind of law against that!"

"Says the guy that has added the Battle Frontier to his challenge list, a league that possesses many Legendary pokemon waiting for you," Celeste raised an eyebrow, sounding quite amused at Ash's plight. "Do not underestimate yourself Ash, you will do great."

Ash turned to her, confusion and worry on his face. "How do you know that?"

"Because you've trained your pokemon incredibly well," Celeste answered, a soft smile on his lips. "You could have relayed on the superior strength of Dragon-types, but you did not. You've trained them to know various moves, moves that will aid them against their worst weaknesses. They can fly gracefully in the sky, even if there's a storm and hurricanes in their way. They are ready for anything, because you made sure they would be ready for everything. Do you think Tobias did the same? He has been using the same combination Dark Void-Dream Eater since the conference began. I do not believe he trained his pokemon as well as you have, why should he when Legendaries are almost impossible to beat."

"I see," Ash murmured, sounding more confident. "We can do this... or at least take some of his team down. Anyway, I will be facing a Legendary and I will defeat him. Win or lose, I will be satisfied with the result."

"That's the spirit!" Celeste laughed. "Now, let's get going! You've got a battle to get ready for!"

The best friend duo made their way back to the stadium, just in time for the battle. Ash's hand trembles as Tobias sent out his legendary Darkrai, who carried an air of darkness and mystery. Bt after taking a Deep breath and centering himself, he sent out Nephele, knowing that her Mega Evolution potential could give him an edge.

"Alright, Nephele, let's show them our Mega Evolution!" Ash's voice was full of determination as he initiated the process. With the Key Stone around his neck and Nephele's Mega Stone resonating, a radiant light engulfed the Cotton Bird pokemon, transforming her into Mega Altaria. She stood there, larger and more majestic than ever, her presence commanding attention.

Tobias wasted no time as he ordered Darkrai to use Dark Void. The ominous move cast a shadow over the battlefield, and despite her newly evolved form, Nephele succumbed to the sleep-inducing effect. Undeterred by the setback, Ash had anticipated this move. "Nephele, use Sleep Talk!" he commanded.

Nephele's form stirred in her slumber, and with a soft melody, she complied. Darkrai lunged forward with Dream Eater, aiming to drain Nephele's energy. However, the unexpected happened – as Nephele muttered in her sleep, a burst of radiant energy erupted from her, manifesting into a brilliant Dazzling Gleam. The gleam struck Darkrai with intense light, causing him to recoil and cry out in pain. The legendary pokemon quickly withdrew, the Dream Eater move left incomplete.

Ash's excitement was palpable. "Great job, Nephele! You've got this!"

The next Sleep Talk from Nephele formed a protective barrier around her, a well-timed Protect that deflected Darkrai's impending Ice Beam attack. The icy assault met the shield and dissipated harmlessly, leaving Nephele unharmed.

As the battle pressed on, the third Sleep Talk from Nephele revealed its unpredictability – a haunting Perish Song. The melody hung in the air, an omen of impending doom. Both pokemon were marked by the song's eerie power, and the countdown began.

Yet, even in the midst of this countdown, the battle raged on. As Nephele's Sleep Talk persisted, it summoned a Dragon Pulse that clashed with Darkrai's Ice Beam. The two powerful attacks met in a dazzling collision of energy, neutralizing each other in a display of raw power.

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