Finally, the trio is complete!

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"Ok, students, now that you have chosen your pokemon we will be moving towards the training field where your senior schoolmates will be there to guide you through the ropes of taking care of a pokemon. Whatever you need to know they will be there for you. To learn how to train them or what kind of food they'll like, telling you about their previous experiences with pokemon." Their homeroom teacher, Amanda, told the students. "As we have an even out number of students two of you will have to share the same mentor. Ash, Celeste, I am sorry, but you will have to share. As you two already possess pokemon I believe you won't suffer from the decision. Your mentor will be Cilan Dent, as no one in this classroom chose a bug pokemon we don't have anyone to pair him with. Not to mention that he is the top student in this school and the only one qualified to help out and make the most with the spectrum of abilities that Eevee possesses. It also happens that we do not have any senior with a dragon pokemon and the only one that knows enough not to be endangered while helping you train is Cilan."

"It's ok, sensei," Ash replied with a big smile, quite happy about the predicament. "Cilan and I are best friends!"

"I also don't mind," Celeste added, blushing slightly for being the focus of attention again.

"Lucky," Ashley muttered.

"Good," replied Amanda. "Then, let's get going."

As the class marched after their teacher, towards the training field. Ash slowed his step so he would end up at the back of the group alongside Ele and Celeste- who had taken out her Espeon and Umbreon.

"Hi," Ash greeted her, shily.

Celeste looked at him, surprised by his uncharacteristic shyness, and greeted him back with a slight blush: "Hi."

"I... I saved Ele too," he blurted out, taking her by surprise once again. Umbreon and Espeon looked at the boy shocked as well, then their gaze turned towards the big dragon- not believing their ears. "I... I mean, I understand the feeling." He corrected himself with a blush. "The feeling of powerlessness at knowing that your dear friend was hurt, and you couldn't do anything about it until after the fact. The anger at those who hurt our family... the fear of that ever happening again."

"The helplessness when they have nightmares about their days of captivity," Celeste continued, more collected and serious. "What's her story?"

"Dragon Trafficking Ring," he answered, chuckling humorlessly at her flinch and her pokemon's growls. "My feelings exactly. Ele was only a Swablu back then, she fought with all her might to get out and managed it. I found her in the forest, near my town, with a broken wing, and told Professor Oak about it. He later had the whole venture shut down. She was forced to be on the ground for over a month and when she was finally able to fly again, she was scared to do it. It took her weeks before being able to return to the sky."

"Nephele? The same Altaria that flies as if she was born in the sky and belongs up there?" Celeste inquired not believing the same pokemon that dances in the sky with such grace, once had a problem with it. "You truly understand me," she then said in wonder, seeing the truth in his eyes.

"I do... and I would like you to be my friend," he proposed, shily.

"I would like that too," she smiled back.

"Ok, students you now know who you are with, pair up!" Amanda called out, startling the new pair of friends. They were so focused on their conversation that they didn't notice when they've reached the training field and the teacher giving out the mentor list. They were lucky they already knew who they were paired up with. "Now each of you find your mentor and get to know them and your pokemon. You'll have the whole day to do so."

Ash the Dragon SpecialistWhere stories live. Discover now