Weekends To Full-Time (Part 3)

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Chapter 3

Running to weekend mom from the soccer pitch at the end of the game was a little bazar, feeling the happiness I felt, knowing she was here to watch me play felt foreignly nice, and I thought playing soccer would have been hell when I was on my way here, but it seems like Rob's skills of soccer has stayed with his body, like his skateboarding skills, plus with me really being from England, I played a lot of soccer growing up in my real body, I even found myself having a great time, playing with all the other kids and finding myself being one of the best on the field, and scoring 3 goals, in the practise game at the end, with Rob being a striker.

And now it has come back to me that I'm still Rob, when I should not be, for the last 6 years I have never spent more than 24 hours in Robs body, and now I am still him and having to do his clubs, and now I am going to have to go to church, and yes I am happy that Robs religious beliefs stayed with rob and not this body, with me being very much not religious, but seeing the cross hanging from the neckless around mine/Robs neck, knowing he is definitely a believer, and been having to try and keep up with discussions of god, and having to say grace every time we have a meal, so yer I am not really looking forward to church in the next hour or so.

And I really just wanted to get on to Robs touch pad instead, to do two things, one actually for once look up to see if there is anything about what has been happening to me and Rob, with not doing that in the past, being happy with swapping life's once a week, and two contact Rob in my body, and see if he knows anything about us still being in each other's body's?

Church clothes are so uncomfortable, it could be I am wearing a too small shirt with too big trousers, with being 11 now and suits don't fits properly for such an age, and god this is soo boring sitting down hearing this guy talking about who knows what, and the having to stand up to sing some holy Song.

What to my annoyance Robs memories made it so, I remember all the words to every religious song I have had to sing so far, I really did not know how much of a believer Rob was an till now, and weekend mom reminded me I have 1 hour of Sunday school after this!

Sunday school was... odd to say at least, I know that Rob is not at all clever but for the whole hour I knew all the answers and new all the prayers, it was ridiculous, Rob must be one of them American over the top religious sort, so does that make me one now?

Just thinking about that makes me feel, well I don't really know, but it does not matter right now anyway, because I am sitting in the back of my weekends moms car next to my weekend brother, knowing I am now 99% more knowledgeable about the catholic faith, than Tim my weekend brother, who looked like he was falling asleep at Sunday school, and is asleep right now, god I envy him for it, because I felt exhausted right now, I have gone from waking up to playing soccer, and being there star player, what I surprisingly actually enjoyed, then having to go to church and then Sunday school what I could not help myself knowing the answer what the teacher asked! And I know he has only been up for 2 hours and only gone to church

All I want to do is sleep now, but I know I need to check are emergency chat group on Robs tablet, knowing he would of used it, with the last time he or me used it was a year ago when I fell off a skateboard bad and broke Robs arm, and not wanting him to freak out when he gets back in his body with a cast and sling on his arm.

Finally, we got home and I jumped on to the couch and grabbed Robs tablet and opened it and entered the pass to get in to mine and robs secret chat, with me when I am me, being a guy in his 30s I found it creepy chatting to a boy who is the same age as my kids and from a different country, it felt wrong and if anyone saw it, it probably will look wrong as well, what I going to guess Rob takes on that thought when he becomes me, with what I said about not using it for a year and how switching body's for one day a week became normal to us both.

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