Weekends To Full-Time (Part 6)

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So it has been a year... well, what is there to say? Sure, I still have my old memories, but I have mostly fallen into my new life. I am Rob now. There's really not much to say. I guess I am a much better Rob than the Rob I was a year ago. I am getting As and Bs at school now, and I get along much better with my brother. He has stopped thinking I am acting weird, which is a relief because he was doing that for like three months and would not drop it.

I still have the same friends, and I am now 12. and in one month, I will finally be 13 and a teenager, which makes me feel excited. Even though I was a 35-year-old man with a wife and kids a little over a year ago, I don't feel anything for them now. Not in a mean way, but I have forgotten how I felt for them and what made them special. Thinking of all the memories I have of them is like thinking of strangers. It's a little bit sad, I guess, but hey, I can't do anything about it.

But at least I am going to be a 13-year-old again. Oh, and I have gotten better at skateboarding. I dropped into a halfpipe about five months ago, and now I can drop in quite easily.

I know why I am writing this note to myself. It's because of two things that are kind of connected. I guess you can choose one. Josh blocked me on the message group about eight months ago! How could he? I feel that he is behind the body swapping thing all along. But what 11-year-old would want to be a 35-year-old man from a different country, right? So maybe he just gave up on trying to fix this and decided to cut all ties with anything related to it.

He did sound happy the last time I talked to him. He said that Luke and Lance, if you don't remember, were my twin sons. Apparently, they did really well in their exams, and he typed a lot like he wanted to tell me something, but what he did say didn't sound that important. Plus, this was the first time we decided to type to each other. Over a month had passed by then.

But after that day, I woke up, and a notification was on my phone saying he had blocked me. So I have just been living my life as it is, and I can't really complain.

And the second thing, the bigger thing, is that my mom got a promotion, well, a promotion that means we are going to have to move. And not just move to another state, but we are moving to London, England. Of all the places to get put in charge of a new branch, it had to be in the same city as my old life!

You can imagine what it was like when Mom gathered me and Tim, my younger brother, around the table and told us. I spit out the water I had in my mouth, and Tim yelled about having to leave his school and friends, which I joined in with, feeling the same way. I didn't want to lose all of the great friends I have now, but most importantly, I didn't want to be close to my old family. I don't know what I would do if I ran into one of my sons, who are the same age as me.

But once the shock passed, and I thought that London is a very big city, I could live there for years and not see them. So I asked where in London we are moving to, and when the words "some place called Downton Avenue, it seems nice" made me feel dizzy, that was like 20 minutes away from my old flat. She saw my shock and asked if I knew the place. I denied it, obviously, but still, maybe 20 minutes is far enough away.

So I been feeling stressed out and pacing slowly what has led to me righting with what a teacher had said is a good way to calm down and see everything in front of me. We are going in like five days from now, and well, I'm slightly excited. I am going to London, a place I thought I would never see again! And now I am going to be living there with a loving mom and brother. Sure, I am bummed that I am going to have to leave all of my friends behind, but at least Ben says he will try to convince his parents to let him come and visit when we settle in. and Tim is supposedly hiding, saying he is going to live with his friends and not move.

But his hiding involves locking his bedroom door and playing on his Switch under his sheets, so my mom is not taking his threats seriously. She seems happy that I am not fighting her a about this sudden news. and I am still trying to change her mind, but I know it's more her boss making her do this than her. But she told me it might be good to start again somewhere different where there are no reminders of Dad, and with the new hours she will be getting, she will be home more often, which I guess is nice.

But still, I am freaked out that I will bump into Josh and my old family. and I am also scared of wanting to! Wanting to see if the feeling of care for them comes back. Or what Luke and Lance are like now. Are they still living in that flat? Or have they moved? When I was Josh, I was planning to move into a house to have more space, but who knows now that the real Rob in now Josh?

But I better get back to packing and thinking. This is Rob signing off. 

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