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it's lunchtime now. usually, i look forward to this period as i get to have my alone time or sometimes, with my friends. but now that i have this scheduled lunch with hanbin, i have the sudden urge to throw every tray i see around.

i'm a bit early, as usual. i know that the canteen gets a bit rowdy when you arrive late, so i made sure to get a good seat without having my back or anything hit by a tray with pumpkin soup and risking getting my shirt stained.

i spotted a guy wearing green shirt, seemingly looking for someone. i sighed and stood up to wave, motioning him to get his butt over here since i'm starving already. i can smell the freshly-cooked stir fry beef from a mile away.

as soon as he saw me, he went ahead and walked towards me. "hey there, you're always early." he says, pulling the chair across and sat there.

i noticed that all eyes were on us, no, on hanbin. it's not new, he's an eye candy. i may want to rip his hair but i would be lying if i said he's not attractive. just not my type.

"i wanted to get a good seat. i can get you a tray if you want, one with everything?" i asked, trying to be nice.

he looked ragged and his forehead had beads of sweat tricking down. i assumed he just got off from basketball training or whatever.

he was quick to shake his head, standing up and grabbing a crisp bill from his wallet. "no, no. i'll get it. just stay here," he says, giving me a quick smile before he started to walk away.

"wait! no kimch-"

"no kimchi and just plain rice. more fish cake and should i get a strawberry or plain milk this time?" he was quick to cut me off, looking at me while waiting for my response. i furrowed my eyebrows, how did he know my lunch usuals?

i didn't want to make this weird and long since we were standing in the middle of the canteen, people giving us glances and murmurs while he was in front of me still waiting for my milk preference of the day. "plain."

he didn't say anything and just went ahead. i sat down and my eyes followed his figure: lining up for the trays and giving the one in front of him, doha from class b, a high-five.

it didn't take long since the line was a bit short anyways. i saw him getting a plain tray and not the usual lunch ones.

i wanted to go help him since the tray looked heavy, but since there were a lot of students around i know they would just swoop our table and pretend like they don't know what happened or me sitting there and getting the seat warm with my butt didn't just happen. table swoopers.

he carefully made his way back and i stood up to help him place it down. since the tray had soup, i made sure to put that down on our table first before the other ones.

"they have banana milk there too and this new one," he picks up a green milk carton box as soon as we got seated. he reads the label from the box. "melon milk? that's a new one, you should try this one."

"you want me to consume 3 milk cartons in one sitting?"

"well, you can always save one for later. let's eat!" he says, looking giddy and hungry like me. i went on and picked up my utensils before i started to dig in.

a small hum could be heard as soon as he took his first bite. "did you just got off from training? you're sweaty." i asked.

wow, i'm actually the one making an effort on making this ridiculous chemistry friendship thing to sail. usually, whenever i see him i just wanna stuff him inside a locker and run away. but then again when i try to have those thoughts, my mind shows me a desperate taerae with wings and a halo and a glowing aura around telling me to do it for the sake of the club. floating on top of a cloud to be weirdly specific.

he chews his food first before nodding. "yeah, the tournament's coming up and the coach is extra strict. i actually do need another tray after this since i need to eat a lot for energy. but if you need to go after eating that's fine too, i can just get it as takeout."

i hummed, i didn't really have any plans for today. my class after lunch announced that we will be having a free cut, and so far i don't have any pending. "no, it's fine. i can wait for you. i think i'll take my sweet time with these kinds of milk and hope my stomach doesn't grumble later."

he was a fast eater, and obviously, i'm not. i'm only a few bites in and he's already on his last spoonful of kimchi. he excused himself to get another tray, there wasn't any line anymore so he got to scoop out the remaining food and got extras.

just as i was about to open the banana milk carton, a ridiculous thought just came up in my mind. an idea that first-week-in-school zhanghao would find absolutely idiotic and nonsense and all synonyms of idiotic and nonsense you can think of.

"would your coach mind if i watch you train?"

he was caught by surprise. he almost choked on his stir-fried beef when i helped him get his bottled water. it took him a while to clear his throat before "you want to what? why would you watch?"

he's right. i'm sorry, that was my other personality trying to mess with my brain. i then coughed before shaking my head, placing the finished carton of milk down (after a few chugs).

"nevermind, it's stupid. i'm just gonna be a distraction obviously. i don't have any class again so just message me if you're about to go home, apparently we need to go home together as well. i'm gonna pray to God that you're not some sort of a killer or whatever, or worse, you might order something online and link it to my address."

he laughs, seemingly amused by what i said. "you're just giving me ideas here, you do know that right?" he says, lifting an eyebrow at me. "well no, i'm not a killer nor would i do that. and yes you can come to my training if you want, you do know where the gym is right? it's the one near the red-"

"i know where it is. i'll think about it, maybe i'll just drop by" i saw a glint of hope in his eyes, making me change my mind since it was kind of an impulse and not-so-zhanghao of me to say. "or maybe not at all."

"fine by me." he answers, finishing up his second tray. wow, i didn't even notice him grab a bite and he's already done? he grabs a tissue to wipe his lips and looked at his watch before clicking his tongue.

i watched him clean the trays and do claygo, making me tilt my head in surprise. i didn't think he'd be that kind of person. we both exited the canteen and stopped by the halls when he called my name.

"so i'll get going now, i'll see you later yeah?"

"it depends if i run away or not. good luck with your training," i didn't bother waiting for his response and turned around, walking towards the opposite hallway to go straight to the library to do some thinking.

what was i thinking, being nice and wanting to come watch his training? i would just be spraying alcohol 24/7 since it's gonna reek of sweat there and some hunk shrek-like voices yelling and hearing those shoe rubbing that would make me wince.

i grumbled, opening my book and sitting down on one of the university sofas that you can rarely use since it's so overrated. i started to read and put myself on dnd.


whaaat, 300 reads? T_T i hope this isn't too sucky or what :/

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