Chapter 7

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Percy arrived at Camp.

"Hello!" He said, waving at his friends.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson!" Thalia said, stomping over. Along with the hunters.

"Help," Percy said, chuckling nervously. He looked at Artemis who came along with him.

"You're alone Percy," Artemis said, laughing.

After some slaps from his friends and a shock from Thalia, he managed to finish his story. Suddenly a boy came over.

"So, you're the famous Percy Jackson?" He asked.

"Yes, and who are you?" Percy asked. By the looks on his friends' faces, he could tell he is an annoying person.

"Aldrin. Son of Zeus," he said, "I bet you are not even that good. I challenge you to a duel."

"Aldrin, don't," Jason warned.

"I accept," Percy said, then Aldrin laughed maniacally.

They arrived at the arena. Percy with his bow, he could see the proud face on Artemis. Percy winked at her and she blushed. Or maybe he was dreaming?

They circled each other. Suddenly, as fast as lightning, Percy pounced, pinning Aldrin on the floor within five seconds. He got up, point a readied arrow at his face, "Yield?"

Aldrin quietly mumbled, "Yield."

Everyone cheered, then Percy said, "Do you know what I would do if I didn't win?"

Everyone waited expectantly for the answer, "Well, I guess we'll never know." Earning laughs from everyone except Aldrin.

After spending the whole afternoon catching up with his friends, he found out Nico wasn't there. He had been busy helping his father. Chiron blew the conch horn signaling for dinner. He arrived there finding the gods are there already.

He looked at the Hades table and found Nico. "Nico!" Percy yelled in happiness; it's been so long since he had seen him.

"Percy?" Nico asked.

"Yes, it's me death breath," Percy replied.

"Where on Earth have you been? It's been 25 years!" Nico screamed.

"Hehe... I was not on Earth. So I became a primordial after Chaos took me to her planet," Percy said chuckling. He forgot others were there, when he said that, there were gasps.

"Why does he get to be a primordial and I don't!" yelled the brat Aldrin. Zeus glared at his son, he cannot be more embarrassed now.

"Shut your mouth up, son," Zeus said. Percy heard giggles from the Hunter's table. He saw Artemis trying to hold her laugh in.

"Ahem, anyways. Son, tell us your story. From the beginning," Poseidon said.

"So after I declined godhood, I became Hurricane, helping young demigods arrive to camp and go to the hunt. So one day, I was about to help another demigod, but I came across Leviathan. I killed it but I blacked out," Percy said.

"That was you?" Artemis asked, questioning.

"Yes, when I wake up, I found myself in Planet Chaos. I have been made primordial and been annoying there butts off since then," Percy said chuckling to himself.

After dinner, Zeus went over to Percy personally. "Zeus, what can I help you with?" Percy asked.

"Percy, I'm sure you know about the enemies rising?"


"Well, there's a prophecy I am worried about. Enemies of old shall rise again, no price to bargain. The goddess of the moon shall face challenge, whether or not she will make it, up to the one who shall mend. I want you to keep my daughter safe. You seem to be the best choice," Zeus said.

"Should I tell her then?" Percy asked.

"Whether you tell her or not is up to you," Zeus said, "As long as you keep her safe."

"I will do as you ask," Percy said.

"Thank you, you ease half of my worries already," Zeus said, then he flashed out.

Percy went over to the hunters cabin and found them getting ready for bed. He kept distance and slept nearby in his tent.

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