Chapter 11

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The next morning, Percy looked at his sword again, admiring his work. Suddenly he heard a commotion outside. He quickly capped Riptide and went out to take a look.

An ambush.

There were hundreds of hellhounds, monsters and a few giants. Looks like Tartarus decided to give a helping hand after all.

Percy immediately took out Riptide and fought the hellhounds. With him and his dad, fighting with such godly power, the monsters and hellhounds were defeated in no time. Which left the giants.

"Whoo! This is fun!" Percy exclaimed.

"Glad you enjoyed it, son. Let's see who can defeat the giants first. You get those two and I get those two," Poseidon said, pointing at those giants.

"I live with two children. I'm going to help other people," Triton said, facepalming.

"Your on. You are going down, dad," Percy grinned.

"We'll see about that," Poseidon challenged. With that, he blasted at the first giant.

"Let's see this bad boy at work," Percy said, smirking. He made the sword lit, then he swung at the giants. The giants used their clubs and smashed at the floor. How does it not break? We don't know. Probably upgraded by Tartarus.

Percy swung Riptide at the first giant, burning the giant's hand. Then, while the other was staggering, he quickly got back into a defense position just in time to block another hit. He slashed it at the second giant's stomach, making a deep gash. It screamed out in pain, while the other was wailing about his burnt hand, Percy stabbed the one screaming in the heart, ending it.

While the still alive giant got up after seeing his friend died. With godly speed, Percy ran and made a few cuts on its leg, it fell down. Percy then decapitated it.

On the other hand, Poseidon blasted with his trident, making the giant fall back. Unfortunately, the other one came before Poseidon could blast it. He used his trident to block the blow from the other giant, then stabbed the points at its leg, making it howl at pain. He then again blasted a jet of water at it, making the giant slide back.

"Hey dad, having fun?" Percy asked slyly. He had finished with his portion of the giants.

"Dammit Percy, how can you be so fast," Poseidon ask, still fighting the giants.

"Ooh! That would be my little secret," Percy said winking, "Need help?"

"Would be great," Poseidon replied. Percy lit up Riptide, then slash it on the giants guts. He made a diagonal slash. While the giants were bashing their clubs everywhere in pain, Percy took the chance and stabbed them in the stomach. One doubled over in pain, which was a mistake. Percy immediately swiped his sword and the giant disintegrated. The other was about to smash Percy on the head, but Poseidon blocked it just in time.

"Thanks dad," Percy said.

"Anytime," Poseidon replied. Poseidon then blasted at the giant making it fall. Then he stabbed it in the heart.

"Whew, that was one fight," Percy said.

"What was that on Riptide," Poseidon questioned.

"Oh, that was aquatic fire. As powerful as Greek fire, maybe even more powerful. It is very rare. I can now control it, though no one really said. I guess it came to me after I became a primordial. Since I am son of Poseidon, Hestia's champion and a primordial, I guess after they mixed, I have control over aquatic fire. I'm not sure how they come though. Lessons from Pontus are boring, I heard a bit and with my ADHD it is hard," Percy replied thoughtfully.

"Oh, ok," Poseidon replied.

'Percy, Percy. Please help,' a voice in the back of Percy's mind popped up.

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