Chapter Ten

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Lucas slammed the door closed behind him and kicked his wet boots off nearby. His father was in the sitting room reading a book after a long day out in the fields and he came out to see what was the matter.

"Something wrong, son?" he asked.

"Do you know Henry Parker?" Lucas paced like a caged animal.

"Yes. Stephen Parker's son. The banker."

"I swear I'm going to kill him with my bare hands if I see him again anytime soon!" Lucas growled.

"What on earth is going on? What happened to get you so riled up?"

"He took Allie on a picnic!" Lucas snapped.

"Okay. Well, they've been courting for a few months from what I understand. So what's the problem?"

"He left her with a bear!"

"A bear?"

"Yeah. And not only that, he might as well have thrown his stupid picnic basket at it and made it mad before he drove off without her!"

"Well, that doesn't sound good." His pa looked at him closely. "Why are you wet?"

"I had to push her in the river."

"I see."

"She could have been killed!"

"Well, I'm assuming she wasn't."

"No, she wasn't, no thanks to him!"

His father took a deep breath and blew it out in a whoosh. He still didn't quite understand what had happened, but it was obvious Lucas was furious over the whole situation. "Well, you're probably going to see him in town eventually, so I suggest you don't do anything rash."

"He's useless!" Lucas shouted. 

His father nodded.

"He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near her!"

"Lucas, I don't think that's up to you,"

Lucas stopped pacing. He looked at his father. "If he won't protect her, I will."

"Lucas!" his father shouted up the stairs at him as he stormed off. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to get involved! You know she won't like the sound of that!"

"Then I guess I won't tell her!" Lucas eventually calmed down and by the time Arthur returned from his errands in town, he was sitting quietly in his room.

"Your father said there was some scuffle today!"

Lucas told him what happened. "I don't think he's good for her at all," he mumbled.

"I think I met him at the bank when I opened my account," Arthur said, walking over and sitting on the edge of Lucas's bed. "He seemed like a decent fellow."

"He's not. He's a silly little man. And he threw a basket at a bear! You should have seen him, hopping around like an idiot. It was ridiculous!"

"Well, I suppose it was a good thing you were there to save her." Arthur replied.

Lucas laughed softly. "Who knew I'd be saving her after all those years of picking on her."

Arthur chuckled. "She was probably just as surprised as you were."

He sighed. "She couldn't wait to get away from me. As usual."

"I still think an apology can go a long way. I know it's been a long time, but if you feel regret over what you did, I think you should tell her."

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