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Rin's POV:

I stand Infront of "her" locker, this is the moment I've been fearing. the moment I actually have to confess, the moment I put the note into her locker. I was able to pour my heart out onto paper because it's easier than confessing by actually talking to her.

I've had feelings for Miku for so long, we were childhood friends, but when she got popular, we started getting distant. She said that she barely had time for herself when she was stuck making music and dealing with fans, she apologized in advance which made me feel a bit better about all this. But I want a new start with Miku, maybe as lovers? Maybe she doesn't feel the same way but we still get to be friends? Maybe she doesn't want to be friends or lovers?

I tried keeping negative outcomes of confessing out of my head, but it was kind of hard. The school day is almost over and she'll come to her locker soon, I don't have time to stand here and chicken out, I've been chickening out for months.

I hear the bell ring and quickly take off running, another unsuccessful attempt at confessing. Why can't I just find some source of courage? Something to help me confess.

Rin is now outside the school, waiting for Len so they can walk home

I see Miku walk out of the school before I see Len, Len is kind of slow so I'm not surprised. I look at Miku, then down at the love letter, then back at Miku. Maybe I could give it to her now?

I hesitate but ultimately decide to give it a try. I run over so I don't lose her, I'm behind her, and hesitating once again. Eventually I tap her shoulder and she turns around. Am I really going to do this?

Miku POV:

I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I figured it was a fan because that's usually the case, can i ever really get a break?

I turn around and see Rin...I wasn't expecting to see her, but I feel happy to see her. We haven't talked in so long, I got distant and I didn't expect her to want to talk to me after so long.

She has tears in her eyes, is something upsetting her? Why else would she be crying?

She's holding out a piece of folded paper with one hand and her other hand in a fist.

I take it and open my mouth to speak, but before I could, she already started running. Did she not want to talk to me? Does it have something to do with whatever is written on the piece of paper she just gave me?

I unfold the paper and read through it, surprised to find that it is a love confession. She loves me after I ruined our friendship? After I got distant? I did explain to her it was because of popularity and I don't get much time to myself, and she seemed to understand, but she stills loves me? I couldn't help but blush, I have had a crush on her for a while, but never imagined her feeling the same way.

I open my phone and scroll through my contacts, I never deleted Rin's contact, so I'll try to message her...maybe call her? Unless she decided to block me or something, hopefully not.

I message Rin: could you meet me on the school roof during lunch tomorrow? I want to talk to you about a few things

I press send and hope that she sees the message and decides to meet me during lunch. I can't force her though so if she doesn't I won't bother her.

When I get home I unlock the door and put my school things away and turn on my phone to see a message from Rin. I open it, a bit anxious to see what she said.

All it said was: sure, I'll meet you there

I might finally get to hang out with rin..i need to make time for myself and her and not get caught up with fans and music.

(Time skip: next day, during lunch)

Rin's POV:

I head up to the roof, I forgot I was supposed to meet her on the roof, it's almost the end of the lunch period. Hopefully she's still on the roof, and understands it was a accident.

I make it to the roof and spot Miku, she look...upset? Is it because I'm late? Hopefully she'll accept my apology...


Miku's POV:

I hear my name being called and look over to see Rin. She really did come.

"Rin! Did you forget that we were supposed to meet or something?"

She looks a bit guilty, does she think I'm mad? I hear Rin say: "yeah...I'm really sorry."

"It's okay! We still have about 10 minutes to talk if your still up for it."

Rin's POV:

Thank goodness...she's not mad. Wait, why did I think she'd be mad? She has always been very understanding and supportive, why was I so worried?

"Soooo...what was it that you wanted to talk about? Is it important?"

The next few words that she says...It warms my heart and makes me so happy, I honestly wasn't expecting it...

"Rin, I love you."

It's only 4 words...yet makes me feel like the happiest and luckiest person in the world, she likes me back. I blush like crazy and whisper: "I love you too, so so much"

Third person POV:

They hug, and are a bit nervous and awkward at first, but eventually they kiss. Miku decides that she wants most of her time to go into a wholesome relationship with Rin, she still makes music but manages it in a way where she has plenty of time for rin.

Rin feels so much happiness, love, she finally gets to hang out with Miku again but this time they aren't friends, but lovers.

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