Shopping ‼️‼️

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Guys 3/4 of my friends from school found my Wattpad account 😭😭

This is not supposed to be 100% serious.  Anyways here's the oneshot

Rin's POV:

It was supposed to be a day where me and Miku could go shopping and hang out, but of course Len just HAD to come with us. He was skipping around the mall going from store to store, draining my wallet as me and Miku followed. So far the only good part about this is that Miku is holding my hand. She had bought a few things for me even though she didn't have to.  I told her I would pay for anything she wanted but she doesn't seem very interested in the stores at this mall.

"Y'know..if you want to go somewhere else then I'm fine with that.." I say, i just want her to enjoy the weekend. We had a bunch of tests on Friday and it's been a little stressful for her. I thought this might cheer her up but she doesn't seem to interested. "It's fine, rin. If you want to stay here longer then I'm fine with that. I don't really have anywhere specific I want to go" she says

"Oh...well you just don't seem very interested in any of this. Are you tired or something? Would you rather just go home?" I ask as I try to think of something that we can both enjoy.

"Hm..what about the park...? Wanna go to the park after the mall?" Miku asks but before I could answer her--

"Riiiiiin!! Can you buy me this?? Pretty please??" Len starts to ask repeatedly.

"I already bought you so much, Len. I'm practically broke now and I came here for Miku not you." I was ready to drive to the park with Miku and just leave him here.

"Next time I get paid I'll buy you something, Rin! Pleeeeease!" He asked again.

"'Next time I get paid'? You don't even have a job! If you want it then get a job and buy it yourself." I started to get a little annoyed with him.

Miku's POV:

I watched this turn into a argument. They weren't yelling but they were definitely fighting. It is surprisingly amusing to watched. I grab Rin's hand again and pull her away from Len. "As funny as this is, you two should stop arguing. Len, I'll buy the thing you want but then me and Rin are going to the park together okay?"

"YAY!!" He exclaimed and i walked up to the cashier and paid for the thing he wanted, which happened to be a giant banana plushie. After paying we all walked to the car, we were going to drop Len off at home then me and Rin were going to the park. We got into the car and I sat in the driver's seat, rin sat in the passenger seat and Len sat in the back. Before starting the car I looked at Rin, I got a little lost in thought and ended up starring. I watched as she did the same. It was silent for a minute before Len said:

".....Are you two going to kiss now or what? I know you two have been waiting for this the whole time."

We both quickly turned around to look at Len in the back seat while Len grinned his idiotic grin.


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