Chapter 11

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"Meet me in the gym room." The letter was typed but I assume it's from Ben. I didn't like the suspense. Its excruciating. What game was he playing now?

I took a shower a while ago and barely touched the food that was left on the balcony for me, so I sucked up the little strength I had left in me, took a deep breath and headed to the gym.

As I was walking down the stairs, something clicked. The house was oddly quiet today. Had they left already? Not that I'm complaining, I just wouldn't think that they'll leave so soon. Alexis normally stays over for longer than a day.

Before I could even reach the room to the gym, I heard noises coming from inside it, I could make out his voice, but it seems like there's another person in there with him.

As soon as I opened the door, all eyes were on me. I couldn't deny the fact that two very large man staring at me wasn't unnerving, but I had to act indifferent.

"You're late." Deontay's voice sounded through the room. My eyes flew to the large screen on the wall where the time was displayed.

Late by a damn second.

"But I'm here now, aren't I?" I moved my attention to Chance. "Good morning, would you perhaps tell me why I'm here seeing that someone woke up with his foot stuck in his ass, again." I could feel my insides recoiling and I swear, Deontay is fighting his urge to strangle me, but I could not give a shit in this moment anyway. He wouldn't dare lay a finger on me with his friend here, right?
Chance let out a chuckle and I didn't dare look Deontay's way.

"Well, your gym sessions start today." Chance said walking towards one of the dumbbells, might I add the smallest one and summons me to stand in front of him.

Like the trained wife I am, I slowly make my way towards him. I was a few steps away from taking my assigned spot when Ben took hold of my arm and dragged me away from Chance. Far from hearing distance.

"Thread lightly now my dear, I wouldn't want to dislocate the little physique you'll be building in here. Be at you best behaviour Dandelion, I mean it." He placed the softest kiss on my forehead and walked away. Not before nodding his head in Chances direction.

I had no idea what I was up against, so I began my curious rant. "So, the infamous Chance? What exactly will I be doing here? The gym was well equipped, with equipment I have never even seen before.

I finally met his gaze. His brown eyes were staring down at me like a hawk. "You are always cooped up in here, Ben said you needed a friend." A laugh rumbled throughout the room.

''That has got to be the ugliest laugh I have ever heard." he said covering his ears playfully. "I've been told." I said. "Firstly. Ben isn't so thoughtful and lastly, if ever he was, it wouldn't be a man.''

''Ben is a good man, but he can sure be jerk sometimes. So what, you really don't have any friends. Not even one?" It didn't take a smart man to figure out what life with Ben is like. If he could deprive me of seeing my family, why the hell will he let me have any friends. As much as Chance seemed to be a nice guy, a friend of Ben could never be a good man. So I chose the easy way out, I kept quiet. If anything, he looked like he could somehow read people seeing that he shook his head in disbelief?

''Okay." He put his hands up in surrender and shrugged. "With your body and strength, bet you can't even take down a fly. He wants you to be a little bit more stronger than you currently are." Chance said with the little dumbbell still dangling in his hand. I could pretty much make out the Ben referred to me as a weakling.

That also brings in a random thought. Ben was assigned to basically get rid of me in a couple of months. If he's getting me a trainer, well that means I'm not leaving right?

"Of you're going to be zoning out like that can you please do that after the session." He said with a raised brow. I just shrugged, hating that I was caught in a train of thought so randomly. "May we begin?" I asked feigning enthusiasm. Whether he caught on to it or not, I wouldn't know. He had the same nonchalant face Ben often wore. "Yes we may."

As we began the workout, it became clear that Chance's friendly demeanor had a flirtatious edge. He complimented me on her form, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. I tried to maintain a friendly but distant attitude, not wanting to encourage his advances. I didn't trust Ben enough to rule him out on setting me up to see if by any chance I'll cheat on him. So for as long as he tries to somehow flirt with me, I'm keeping my fucking distance.

Chances expertise was evident as he coached me through my sets. His muscular arms moved with precision, and I couldn't help but be impressed by his dedication to his craft. As much as his flirtatious demeanor was throwing me a little in the mud, the man knows what he's doing.

But as our workout session came to an end, I reminded myself of the warning Ben gave me before he left. As always, the boundaries I had to maintain to remain alive.


Hey there my loves
It's been so long, omg.
I'm finally back now. Y'all will receive updates from time to time now.

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