Chapter 12

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I had a strong believe that I was introverted my whole life. But that all changed in my late teen years. I was obsessed with talking to people online. It just made more sense to me than talking to someone in person. I loved talking to strangers on the internet. Even more so, one particular stranger, Carter. He was everything a friend could ask for. He was so sweet, so genuine it made m y heart hurt so much just remembering the old times. Because now, All I can hold onto are our memories together. Hes dead now. We never went a day without talking and the fact that he didnt get back to me in over an hour then, I grew anxious. I found his body sprawled at a nearby alley a few yards from his apartment. I had every reason to believe that Ben killed him because he never liked Carter. He warned me to stay away from him or else something bad will happen. I didnt think it will be death.

Thats why I must dread carefully around him when he makes threats such as killing my only brother. I cant be the cause of another persons death. Itll completely end me.

But regardless of all that, I still love the man so much. Ben still owns my heart. Sucks, I know. But I dont know is why I must attend this dinner Ben just informed me about minutes after having breakfast. The day has already gone by and its currently 6pm. I have less than an hour to get ready.

I have nothing to wear. I tell him the minute he steps out of the shower. Not that I cared to look in any way presentable, I just didnt want to go.

You could wear a damn potato sack for all I care, you are coming.  His answer is hard, leaving no room for intolerance.

Youre such a bore, I said under my breath.

I swear it was a mere whisper. My lungs fail me and my chest feels so tight. He strode towards me in quick motion. I had no time to react as he wrapped his callous hand around my neck and dragged me to him to close the tiny distance between us.

Mind telling me why Im such a bore to you, WIFE. The words sound so lethal on his tongue.

I claw at his hand but strong fingers grab my wrist and yanks it firmly behind my back. Dont piss me off, answer me." His hold on my neck tightened but it wasn't enough to cut off my air supply. How Id like to fuck the rebel out of you. His eyes seemed so vacant as I level my gaze unto his. But regardless of him posing as an emotional being, your emotions can easily come to show in your eyes. His gaze was dripping of sin and most definitely desire. And I want him just as much as he seems to want me in this very moment. But this need for him is so dangerous.

He's dangerous.

Ben nipped my bottom lip and let me go. I scrambled away breathing harshly, basically wheezing. Youre already on pins and needles Dandelion after that horrible execution of your little stunt. Get ready, now. My resolve was waning drastically, and I dragged my feet to my dresser.

After not so much time of contemplating, I chose a black maxi dress and black heels to give my appearance a more polish look.

No further words were shared amongst us, and I couldnt be more grateful because the cords in my slender neck were so tight, my neck could snap in half. The mere thought of being in the same space as Bens mother, even worse, Alexis, has me feeling so nauseous. 

I took one last breath before Ben took in my appearance, gave me the slightest nod, and led me downstairs.

On the ride to wherever the hell we were going, Ben was on a call the whole way. I was annoyed at first because I couldnt collect my thoughts properly with the way he was screaming.

In just a couple more minutes of fiddling and listening to the hysteric voice of my husband, we finally arrived to Las Grandé. If it wasnt for the tinted windows, I would have easily known where this place is located. But I could make out one thing for sure, a glass of water probably costs a grand here.

Ben patted the valet on the back as he handed him the key, he didnt even care to walk slow, I had to be practically running behind him. Embarrassing.

A young Asian waiter greeted Ben and I, mostly Ben but whatever, and let us to our reserved table. The restaurant had two stories, of course we will be stationed at the top floor. And with each step I took, my heart was hammering in my chest. By the time we finally reached the table, I thought I would pass out.

Alexis verbal diarrhea stopped, and all eyes were on us. My palms became so sweaty, the diverted attention jammed my anxiety.

My eyes first landed on Chance, I gave him a warm smile. He was the only person I was willing to talk to. Then my eyes wandered further, at mrs. Jones then Bens two kids.

I took my sit, next across Ben and next to Chance. Alexis sat across Mrs. Jones and the two kids sat across one another. I didn't even bother greeting any of them, I already knew the outcome.

Of course Ben discarded me the second he sat, He started conversing with anyone but me. Luckily enough, Chance caught on to his behaviour and switched to talking to me.

I was completely zoned out when he spoke.' Are you sore?' He looked at me with that intensity that held my gaze captive. He had that effect of making a girl shy and run for the hills. He didn't seem like a nice guy either, but his aura was more welcoming than Ben's.

There was a dark glint in his eyes, but I chose to ignore steering the conversation into something else. "No, I usually do yoga so my muscles are not that foreign to working out.'' I was about to shoot a question at him until the waiter from earlier spoke.

''Hello, my name is Jun and I will be your waiter for tonight." He then continued to place drink menus at the table. After some time he spoke once more,
''Would you like to start with something to drink?''. Alexis was probably in dire need of  a drink because she ordered first then everyone followed. I was about to give my drink order until Mrs. Jones spoke. ''You bill her separately, she's not part of us.'' There was only so much rejection I could take. I let my gaze settle on her and oh my, there was a hint of something in her gaze that spoke of inexplicable things.

Was I going to make it out of this dinner unscathed?

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