Enter the Metamorph

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Markus pov
Name's Markus Braxford. I'm a black guy from the States, go ahead and hit me with the black guy in Asia jokes, I'm prepared, who stands at 6'5. I got some piercings too: one on my tongue, black studs for my ears, 6 black dermals on my collarbone, and clamps on my ears. I moved to Japan to help my mom's business as it's helpful for the Heroes that work here. I'm muscular thanks to my dad, grandad, and uncles training me in martial arts and CQC, I'm talking Solid Snake level CQC mixed with Batman martial arts, thanks to my Quirk. 

My Quirk is a little....weird. Like, weird, weird considering my parent's Quirks. My mom can sense medical problems by touching her patients, so she became a doctor. My dad on the other hand can draw things from memory as long as he focuses even without colored ink. Even my sister has an unusual Quirk that stems a little from our mother, but it's still fucking weird. When we checked it when she was 4, she smiled at me with the most innocent look in the world and asked me to name it. Now I was 14 at the time, so I named it Dawn of Life. Despite our weird Quirks, our parents love us to death and didn't accuse each other of cheating. Well, they took a DNA test just to be sure. 

Anyway, I'm in the hospital visiting her. Not just any hospital, it's a special one called the Life Foundation. The Life Foundation is a medical research center owned by my mother, and this specific one in Musutafu is where my sister is kept. Even if she's kept on the lower floor with armed guards, me and mom try to make the room feel nice for her and take her out a lot. No one knows my sister is kept here other than me, my mom, my dad, a few highly trained guards, and doctors my mom trusts with her life. It's not the reputation she's worried about. If word got out about my sister's Quirk, people from all sorts of sides and factions would come here and try to take her by any means, be it force or bureaucracy. I skip going to the receptionist and walk to the elevator, where I swipe my card in a hidden slot near the keypad. Doing this makes the elevator beep as it goes to the lower floors. My mom took a shit ton of precautions to make sure her most sensitive research would never be found. There's a lot of protocols depending on the situation, most of which involve an underground train. I make it to an armed door where two soldiers salute me and step aside. When I go in, I see my little sister, Mani.

 When I go in, I see my little sister, Mani

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Mani: Big bro!

Mani jumps from her bed, only to almost fall face first if I didn't catch her. She started coughing violently, so I quickly put her back on her bed. This is the reason she's here, her Quirk is incredibly powerful, but it makes her incredibly weak with several health problems. Her coughs, weak muscles, and sensitivity to different things, all results from her Quirk. Despite all of this, Dawn of Life remains an incredibly powerful healing Quirk that can treat mild cancers and mild diseases, but she can't heal herself. Because of this, my mother keeps her here for most of the day to extract blood and marrow from her as her body makes an excess and regenerates it fairly quickly. Contradictory I know but I mean her Quirk can't heal the drawbacks it places on her body. She converts the biological material into diluted pills that are used to heal others and treat them. It sounds sad, but it isn't as Mani's allowed to go out and explore when her extractions are done and not much is taken. Plus, the extractions only happen once, maybe twice, sometimes even three times, a week and she's put to sleep during the whole thing.

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