Part Two...

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"Long time no see, Yibo." Noticing the man heading his way, Yibo stopped himself from scowling. Seemed like his night had taken a turn for worse and Yibo's wolf expressed his displeasure. "You are a hard man to track down." Yibo had no desire to be tracked down by the other wolf. Not now, not ever. The Lan Alpha had just had an hour-long meeting and his patience had already been tested enough. He didn't need this shit on top of it all. The Lan Alpha's eyes moved to the second floor of the club right into the room his mate was currently in and even with all distance between them, Yibo's eyes turned soft as he gazed at Zhan. His mate was staring right back at him and deciding he would cut things short, Yibo focused on Qian Yan. This wasn't the first time the Omega had popped out of thin air to meet with Yibo. Lately, the wolf had started to appear in Yibo's line of vision more and more. He was also getting braver. Yibo had never paid attention to the Omega but now the man was getting on his nerves and Yibo thought it was finally time to deal with him.

"What is it?" Yibo had ignored the guy for the majority of the evening but it appeared that the Omega hadn't picked up on the fact that Yibo didn't want to talk to him. Yibo's wolf pressed him to ignore the man and go back to his mate but Yibo didn't walk away. He merely placed his drink on the table and looked at Qian Yan finally giving him what he had wanted all evening, Yibo's attention. The urge to growl out loud and scare the Omega away was strong but Yibo restrained himself. "I've been meaning to talk to you. I am having some troubles and the only person I could think of to help me was you. It's so good to see you again, Yibo." Saying the words, Qian Yan made a move to get closer to him, and realizing the man was trying to hug him, Yibo moved away and sat down on the cool leather avoiding the contact.  Arms hanging in the air awkwardly, the male wolf chuckled softly and initiated a greeting again. Impatience bubbling in him, Yibo stared at Qian Yan's outstretched hand for a moment before shaking it. Yibo tugged his hand back but when the grip on him didn't ease, Yibo's brow furrowed. Keeping Yibo's hand in his longer than necessary, the man flashed Yibo a smile, one that Yibo was extremely familiar with. Pulling his hand away, Yibo turned his eyes in Zhan's direction again and found his mate's attention on Wu Xize. Yibo's wolf urged him to go to their mate and Yibo stopped himself yet again. He needed to clean up this mess first.

"I tried setting up a meeting with you at your office but your assistant wouldn't let me speak to you. I tried to explain to him that the calls weren't personal but-"  "You didn't need to speak to me if you had a professional issue", Yibo cut in bluntly eyeing the crowd on the dance floor. "I don't handle clients anymore unless it's necessary. Since you were calling for professional purposes, Ji Li would have set you up with someone who could handle the matter. Call him tomorrow. He'll deal with your problem." Yibo rose and made a move to leave. He had taken a total of two steps when a hand curved around his bicep and Yibo snarled menacingly repulsed by the touch, warning the male away. "Get your hands off me", the Lan Alpha hissed and the arm curled around him lost its grip. Qian Yan raised his hands in the air in a placating gesture but Yibo's eyes burned a bright golden, fury brimming under his skin. "Keep your hands to yourself, Qian Yan." "I didn't mean to anger you. I didn't reject me before." Yibo knew the pitiful look on the Omega's face was just a facade. He knew Qian Yan extremely well. Yibo had once been involved with the man and he knew how hard it was for Qian Yan to take a 'no'. The man was the only Omega born after generations in the Qian family and loved by everyone. So, Qian Yan had a hard time being refused. Seemed like things hadn't changed even after three years. But, if the Omega was afraid of rejections then he had come to the wrong fucking person. "I have things to do, Qian Yan. Enjoy your evening."  "Don't turn me away, Yibo. I don't know where else to go. I have been getting threats these days. I feel he is still out there-"  "Sang Xiao is dead." Yibo's hard gaze was on the man and for a second his cold voice brought out fear in Qian Yan's eyes. "I killed him two years ago. You know this. I can't do anything about the fear in your head, Qian Yan. What you need is a fucking doctor."  "He has a brother", spoke Qian Yan shakily, uneasiness glittering in his eyes. "Sang Xu found out that Sang Xiao died because of me. He knows you killed him. He is coming after me because of you. I need you, Yibo."

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