Fast Track, from Cradle to Grave

15 1 0

'This is a new frontier, one out of the fourteen others is actively trying to kill you. You don't know who you can trust - or if you can even trust anyone in the first place. The only reliable person is yourself, so you need to eliminate all others by any means possible.'

All fifteen of us stood on the platform, the announcement ceasing. It was dead silent. People didn't move, going through their own internal processes on how they'd clear the game, tricking the Jack to get on an empty train. A single pair of footsteps was heard, and suddenly, an announcement started.

"Bracelet Number 9 has called a train. It shall arrive shortly."

Huh? What was that? Why did someone already call a train when we know nothing about anyone....

It took around a minute for the train to make it to the station. The train looked clean, with green accents surrounding it. The same man who called the train instantly walked into the train, and turned to face the group.

"What're you waiting for? Just get in - we can win this way." Number 9 said, a nonchalant tone in this voice.

"Absolutely not" said the man with bracelet 1.

"Why would we do that?" Said number 4.

"You could be the Jack." said number 10.

"Nobody move." said number 13.

The man inside the train now had a look of horror on his face. "What? W-why?" His pleas suddenly got more hurried. "JUST GET ON PLEASE! THEN NOBODY DIES! IM A PLAYER! WE CAN WIN!"

We all stayed silent. I knew in my heart, that he was a player.... but I don't want to really die at this moment. I'm sorry, sir.

He kept screaming, tears coming out of his eyes, snot starting to leave his nose. "JUST ENTER THE FUCKING TRAIN I DONT WANNA DIE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I SWEAR TO GOD I AM GOOD WE CAN WIN PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLE-"

The doors of the train are closing in 30 seconds. Any passengers who wish to leave are heavily recommended to go on the train at this moment. The man's pleas got even quicker. None of us took a step, and all 14 sets of our eyes stared at him, his idiotic attempts at life falling on deaf ears.

The doors are now closing. Please step behind the yellow line. The doors closed. The man began to bang on the train whilst screaming and crying.

The train departed.... and as it left, another announcement was made.

The train departed with 1 player, it is unsuccessful. All players on board shall now die.

His cries ceased... with a laser from the sky.... we heard the thud of his body to the floor.

"Jesus." said Bracelet 5. He turned away from the body, going to face the group. "Anyways. Now we know that he is not the Jack. For certain. Additionally, I have a strategy for you all to consider." Number 5 was an incredibly strong man, his muscles built and toned. Just looking at him gave that feeling of fright, as he could likely crush any of our bones like a twig.

"W-what do you wanna do?", said the old woman with bracelet number 15.

"Systematic Sampling. It's simple really - force people into the train for the betterment of everyone who is not on board. If they're the Jack, perfect. If they are not, their sacrifice is not in vain as we are closer to figuring out the Jack's true identity. Anyone who disagrees simply doesn't wish to find the Jack and is likely the Jack themself, no?" He looked around at everyone, a smug smile on his face. It read as if he was thinking 'I own you fuckers. I dare you to rebel against me.'.

"What the hell man!" Said number 11. "That-That.... That's just blatant murder!"

"So you oppose the idea? Said Number 5, cracking his knuckles. He stared daggers into number 11.

Number 11 Gulped. "N-no actually.... I-I agree."

"Wonderful. Good to see you've come to your senses."

I partially moved behind Hiso, for my own protection. Others around also tried to hide themselves from the shivering glance of number 5.

"Now... who should be first....?" Number 5 strolled back and forth amongst the players, before approaching and pulling the black hair of a woman in the crowd who seemed to be in her early 30s, number 12.

"OW! STOP THAT!" Screamed Miss 12. Number 5 continued to grab at her hair, dragging her whilst doing so to the button. He took her hand, and slammed it into the button.

"Bracelet Number 12 has called a train. It shall arrive shortly."


"It was arbitrary. Be happy, you're doing this for the group."

"BULLSHIT!" Said Number 12, she tried to slither out of Number 5's grasp, but he held on tighter.

"Now now, why do you wanna leave? You're already doing something good... unless you're the Jack? You are, aren't you? If not, why would you be trying to leave?"

"BECAUSE I WANNA LIVE- AREN'T I IMPORTANT?!" The woman's pleas, similarly to that of the deceased number 9, turned harsh and violent, full of profanity and vice.


"Shh. Be quiet, be happy! Your life will finally have use."

The woman began to kick and punch, still being restricted by the grasp of number 5. She became more erratic, trying any method of escape.

As she tried any method of escape, the train finally pulled up. We saw blood on the door windows... and as the doors opened, we saw the lifeless corpse of Number 9, the laser beam piercing his skull. We all wretched at the scent and sight of his corpse, except number 5, who slowly approached, due to number 12's attempts to leave, and used his raw strength to throw her into the train.

Number 12 flew into the train, her bracelet registering so. Her head collided with the back window, it broke and she fell to the floor. But she didn't pass out, whilst there was a lot of blood on top of her head, and her glasses broke in the impact. She slowly got up, and began her tirade of screaming again.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" She picked up a fire hydrant inside the train, and weakly threw it at number 5, who stood right outside the train. It missed, not even leaving the train. She then approached, flipping the man off and continually screaming. She eventually made it to the door, and attempted to pull the man in with her.

"MOTHERFUCKER DIE!" She screamed, pulling on him. However, whilst attempting to pull the man in, she accidentally left the train.

And was instantly pierced with a laser. Her limp body, once full of life, fell forward onto the cold station floor. Blood spilled. It was a harsh reality - once she was picked by number 5, her fate was sealed.

Number 5 rolled his eyes. "Disgusting. Worthless trash."

A meek voice spoke up, from the crowd, "S-she isn't the Jack... right? She's dead.."

"That Bitch could have been the Jack and now we can't fucking win."

"Why not?"

"Did you even listen to the rules, shit for brains? Rule 5: If the Jack receives a GAME OVER by departing on a non-full train, it is GAME CLEAR to all players off the train. You need to specifically see the part about 'departing on a non-full train.' So, the game only ends if the Jack leaves that way."

"No way...."

"This Bitch could be the Jack who has forsaken us. Trash." Number 5 spat onto her corpse, before kicking it back into the train, it rolled and ended on top of the corpse of Number 9.

"We all must agree - once you're on the train, don't fucking leave. For the sake of everyone. Accept your fate. Now... who's next?" Number 5 looked around, and we all ran away. To prevent our own deaths, for 'the sake of everyone'. The train closed its doors, empty of life, and left without announcement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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