Part 6

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Nick invited me to come with him at something special but he didn't say what. This is what I wore:

And I did a nude makeup with a pink glossy lip

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And I did a nude makeup with a pink glossy lip. I came outside that Nick was waiting for me in the car. I could see him checking me out. "You look so sexy Jocelyn" he said while I got in the front seat "Thanks" I said and he gave me a long lasted kiss without tongue. "Your gonna ruin my lipstick you idiot" I said and he laughed. "I can take it off all night long for you" he said smirking and I smiled. "I'm keeping you safe tonight, no one will dare to touch you baby" he said and I grabbed his hand "Can we pick up Mario first?" I asked "That bitch, no" he said "Cmon babe, I already told him yes" I said and he turned to smiled at me while biting his lip "Im only doing this because I care about you" he said and I gave him a big smile while touching his cheek "You're the best Nick" I said and he blushed

He drove off and we picked up Mario, then we picked up Anna Nicks "girlfriend". She tried to open my door "Your seat back is waiting for you" i said and fake smiled, she rolled her eyes and went back. I could see Nick smiling. "How did you learn to race like that Jocelyn?" Mario asked "Her dad learned her, She has a picture of him on insta" she said and I rolled my eyes "Where is your dad now" he asked "Dead" I said and looked outside the window. He wasn't dead, he was in jail.

When we got there I gave Nick a red toy car "Here, it's the closest thing I could find" I said and he laughed. "It's perfect, you can't fit in it" he said and I rolled my eyes laughing. "Seeing you in that uniform what the best thing I've ever seen" he said "Stop you've seen way better of me" I said and he pulled me into a wall "No! I don't want Anna to rip my eyeballs out" I said. "This has never happened with Anna or anyone else, it's the first time I can't control myself" he said in a deep voice and i looked away "Mario's waiting for me" I said "What the hell does he want from you?" he asked angrily "All I know is when he sees me he smiles" I said smiling "Are you going to spend your life with that smile" he asked seriously and I nodded "You know that guy has no blood in his veins, he can't give you what you need" he said looking straight into my eyes "And what do I need?" I asked and he aggressively kissed me. His hand run through my underwear kissing me more "You don't need kisses, you need volcanic eruptions in your mouth" he said deep and slowly while fingering me "You don't need caresses, you need furrows burying in deeply until you shiver.. vertigo inducing whispers in your ear" he said still fingering me with two fingers, I moaned into his mouth "You don't need pleasure, you need shivers" he said. We were both quietly moaning until Lion and Jenna showed up.

"We didn't see anything" Lion said covering his eyes with his hands. He immediately took his fingers off me. I was in shock but acted fine. "Bro are you crazy that's  your step sister" Lion said "Yeah and?" Nick asked "Isn't that incest?" he said and Nick walked away. "After what he did here, he won't have any strength to fight" Jenna said laughing "Fight?" I asked confused and we walked into a fight ring."You guys don't like the idea of going to see a movie or get coffee" i said rolling my eyes. I walked over to Nick "This is fucking nonsense why didn't tell me you were going to fight?" I asked angrily "Isnt it exciting?" he asked "Getting hurt excites you?" I asked confused "Pain doesn't bother me Joss" he said "What about the other asshole, do you like hurting people?" I asked emotional "No, I just like to fight" he said "I don't get it" I said "It's a way to blow off steam" he said "From what?, what fucking trauma do you have that you need to do this Nick" I said very angry and he just stared at me "Leave him alone, I'm so sick and tired of you" Anna said "Don't talk to me like that cunt" I said and grabbed her hand while she was going to slap me "Maybe next time" I said and let go aggressively, going back to Jenna "Whats this bitch problem" she asked Nick but he completely ignored her.

As he was fighting, bad flashbacks of my dad came up and I started getting really emotional. I wiped my tears and went back to the cars. Mario followed me "What's up Joss?" he asked "Nothing I just felt really overwhelmed" I said "I understand you, forget about him he's not worth it" he said and I looked down. The fight ended "I wanted to thank you for asking me to come with you today, it made me really happy" he said and I smiled "Of course" I said and he kissed me. Nick came running,  grabbed his neck and threw him down "Are you fucking crazy" I yelled at Nick and he stared at me "Mario, I'm so sorry" I said and tried to get him up "It's fine I'm okay" he said and he left embarrassed "What the fuck Nick" I said turning back at him "Im sorry Joss, I've never felt more jealous of anyone before, you drive me crazy" he said touching his hands "And that's all you are able to offer me, this cant ever happen again" I said with tears in my eyes "I promise I won't do it again" he said "No Nick, I mean us, we won't happen ever again" i said while a tear run down my check "What, no Joss you don't mean, I need you" he said while squeezing my shoulders real hard "You're messing up with my head, what is wrong with you" he asked "Can't you see Nick, I'm scared" I said with full tears "Scared of what?" He asked "You.." I said and he let go off me while I sniffed my nose. "I can't have another violent person in my life" I said and walked away. He just stood there staring at the floor.

CRAZY LOVE - Nick LeisterWhere stories live. Discover now