Chapter 1: Rocket Rumble

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(It was a nice day in Adventure Bay. The gang relaxing on the Adventure Beach. Chase thought it would be a good idea to have a fun day to play at the beach.)

Rocky: This is such a beautiful day to play, isn't it?

Joshie: Indeed, it is.

Chase: It's really nice to enjoy the nice beach day.

Marshal: You know guys, it's been four months since our adventure in Rio Brazil. I've always wonder how Blu and Jewel are doing back in Brazil.

Matthew: You miss them, do you?

Marshall: Yeah.

Skye: I know Marshall, we feel you.

Zuma: Yeah, I wish we can visit them again sometimes.

(Suddenly, Rubble sees a note on his sandcastle)

Rubble: Look, there's a note on the castle.

(Rubble went and picked up the note.)

Rocky: What does it say?

Rubble: It says here "Dear Paw Patrol, it's been four months since we had that crazy adventure. It's amazing how we still remember you all. You guys should come to visit us again in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Our kids really want to meet you all. If you get this letter, come visit Rio. We're even going on an adventure in the Amazon River. The largest river in the world! Signed, Blu and Jewel".

Marshall: Cool! We got a postcard from Blu and Jewel!

Skye: And it seems like they've invited us back to Brazil!

Grace: Cool! We get to visit them again!

Chase: (Gasps) You know what, guys? We're going back to Brazil!

Everest: But how are we going to get to Rio De Janeiro? It's really far.

Chase: Don't worry, I know how can get there.

Joshie: You do?! How?!

Chase: I'll tell you in a bit. But first, we should bring a couple of friends along with us.

Zuma: Wait! You mean...?

Chase: Yep! We're bringing Tracker, Rex, Ella, Tuck, Wildcat and his friends!

Gang: *Howls in joy*


(The gang were packed up and were ready to go to Rio. They were even wearing Brazilian outfits. Some of them have fruits on their heads and Rubble carries a pair of maracas. Chase even has a fancy hat on.)

Chase: Alright, is everyone set and ready to go?

Gang: Yeah!

Champ: Can't wait to party there!

Ella & Tuck: Thanks for asking us to come with you!

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Ella & Tuck: Thanks for asking us to come with you!

Ella: Yeah, I always wanted to go to Brazil! I heard they have the biggest party there! Carnival!

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