Chapter 2: High Dive

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(The gang made through the outsides of Rio and soon ended up in a harbor.)

Chase: I saw them they went this way.

Champ: Look, over there!

[They see Blu and his family catch a ride on a boat as they arrive to the Amazon jungle]

Jewel: Oh, this air! It's so fresh and full. Goodbye, stinky city air!

Blu: Yeah, bye.

Jewel: Hey, thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it.

Blu: I would do anything for you. You know that, right?

Jewel: Of course, I do. [they embrace each other]

Grace: Oh No! We gotta catch up to them!

Joshie: But how? That boat already left.

(Zuma sees a motorboat.)

Zuma: We can use that motorboat.

Matthew: Great thinking, Zuma.

(They got on the motorboat as they start it up and rode it after Blu and his family.)

[Nigel, Gabi, and Charlie are also catching a ride on the same boat as they follow Blu; as Charlie goes to snatch an ant crawling on some oranges Nigel grabs his tongue]

Nigel: We aren't here to snack; we are here to avenge! Once these pesky passengers fall asleep, we'll show our blue friends some love. Some poisonous love.

Gabi: Ooh. That's my specialty.

Nigel: We attack at the midnight hour, because it's more evil. Stay alert. 

(Then, out of nowhere, a huge cage with a cover over it, traps Nigel, Gabi and Charlie.)

Nigel: What the?! Why are we in a cage?! 

Gabi: Let us out!

(A human pick them up and places them with the other trapped birds. Along with dolphins.)


(The gang were still in the harbor catching up to the boat. Soon, they come across trapped birds and dolphins.)

Skye: Oh No! The birds are trapped again!

Champ: Probably those darn smugglers again.

Everest: We need to free them now!

 (The gang went around the harbor and frees the caged birds and dolphins. They soon see one last cage. But it was covered in an orange blanket.)

Grace: There's one more cage.

Matthew: Don't worry, I got this one. I'll change into my pup form!

(Matthew changes into his pup form. He charged towards the cage and breaks it. He eventually soons committing the error of freeing Charlie, Gabi and Nigel, himself, who was revealed to have survived the past incident, as he laughs maniacally.) 

Nigel: Deja Vu, Paw Patrol.

Grace: Nigel!

Rory: So, you're Nigel.

Nigel: Yes, indeed. And I'm here to get my revenge on you guys for costing my misery. Because now I can't fly anymore. Starting with killing Blu.

Chase: You won't kill Blu on our watch!

Nigel: We'll see! (Laughs maniacally)

(Nigel rides on Charlie along with Gabi as they run away.)

Tracker: He's getting away! We have to stop him!

Joshie: C'mon, guys! Paw Patrol's on the roll!

(They run after Nigel, Gabi and Charlie to stop him from killing Blu.)

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