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As I toss and turn to overhear my alarm clock going off so I smack my hand against my clock making sure I shut it up after hearing nothing from my alarm clock

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As I toss and turn to overhear my alarm clock going off so I smack my hand against my clock making sure I shut it up after hearing nothing from my alarm clock

I toss my covers off my body while yawning departing myself from my comfortable bed stretching my limbs I make my way into the bathroom and quickly do my morning routine including brushing my teeth and doing my morning face routine after finishing my face

walking out of my bathroom making my way into my closet looking around for my pink scrub quickly grabbing it stripping out my pajamas sliding my pink scrub on along with my pink Crocs while walking out my closet I collect my pink tote back along with my car keys deciding if I swing by Starbucks I just shrug my shoulders walking out my room down the stairs

"good morning Asia," Ms.Hailey said with a huge smile on her face a smile appeared on my face while I walked into my huge kitchen and plopped down on the stole "So how are the kids Ms.Hailey everything going alright at home" I said while raising my eyebrow
"yes honey you always asking me this and you know you can call me Hailey," she said

I heard footsteps getting closer and closer to her already knowing who it was my smile completely faded "Look who it is my ugly and ungrateful brother" Jasmine said sitting right next to me I paid her no mind rolling my eyes wishing she would just go away

Stood up saying my fair wells to Hailey until I heard her speak "You're going to that stupid job of yours see me I don't have to lift a damn finger all I got to do is ask Mom and Dad for money but you oh and father said there's a party that we have to go to including yourself and he said look presentable" she said looking me up and down with some much disgusted in her eyes

I shrug my shoulders walking out of the house while closing the door behind myself and walking towards my black ranger rover yes I brought this shit myself with my own goddamn money I'm not a spoiled brat like my annoying sister I sighed heavily while getting into my car placing my tote bag in the passenger seat pulling out the driveway

Btw I'm Asia Parker yes I know I have a girl name but hey that's what my mom decided on anyways I live with my parents even tho I don't have to I make my own money so I'm able to buy whatever I want whenever I want but I'm technically an Assistant nurse I love my job btw I hate my parents so much and my annoying sister let's continue

well I decided to quickly get something from Starbucks so here I am pulling up in front of the building hopping out of the car with my tote bag in my hand making my way into the building smelling freshly baked goods I smile making my way in the front of the counter

"hello how may I help you today," she said "Hi I would like to get a venti iced coffee 3 pumps vanilla, 2 pumps hazelnut with heavy cream with extra caramel drizzle and can I have a bagel with cream cheese please" I said with a smile on my face "ok that will be 9.09 please and what's your name for your order" she said after typing away on the cash register "oh Asia thank you" I said

I pull out 10 dollar bill and hand it to her after a while she starts preparing my drink so I decided to distract myself while scrolling away on Instagram while doing that I heard the doorbell chime letting me know somebody entered the building so I moved over letting that person walk in front of me

I heard him "Let me get ice tea," he said I pilled my eyes off my phone while looking at him completely shocked not my ex-boyfriend standing right next to me I have to get the fuck out of there now "Asia your order is ready," she said I quickly grabbed my order telling her to thank you rushing out the building into my car tossing my bag aside with sitting my drink into the cup holder

I pulled out of the parking lot and drove towards my job while eating my bagel with cream cheese after eating up my quick breakfast I parked my car grabbed my beverage along with my bag walked into the hospital greeted the staff while sipping on my drink  I make my way towards Dr.Carter office knocking on his door hearing him say "come in"

I pushed the door open walking into his room "Sir do you need any help with anything today" I said "No not today go ahead and continue with your schedule" he said I nodded my head and walked out of his office closing the door behind myself couple minutes pass by I'm currently in a room with a parent and her son letting her know the available dates to set up appointments

"so we have tomorrow November 3 or November 25," I said "I would like to schedule his appointment on November 25 please at 3:30," she said while rubbing her hand against her son's shoulder "OK please let the lady at the front desk know and have a good day and take care ok" I said with a huge smile on my face

Hours passed by while I took care of a couple of patients while finishing up with my last patient I made my way towards my best friend Hazel while walking up to her "HEY BABES" she yelled I rolled my eyes pulling her into a hug "I'm so glad I'm about to be off tomorrow amen" I said looking up

"girl shut up you tryna go out tomorrow we both off anyways so what do you say I know you don't wanna stay home so come on," she said while pleading

"fine only because your right but it's your treat," I said while laughing at her facial expression after chatting it up with her I had a couple more patients finishing up and decided to say my fair wells to Hazel

Btw Asia is adopted

Hazel White
Age: 24
Height: 5'7

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