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The Next Day

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The Next Day

Yesterday I and king got to know each other to be honest when we first met he was a complete asshole but since we got to know each other he chill I rolled out of bed heading for my bathroom once inside I quickly started my daily morning routine finishing up my morning routine making my way out of my bathroom walking into my closet

His outfit

So I just decided to pick something simple and stylish for today's outfit today outfit includes a stripe black and white turtleneck with my black skirt and my black leather jacket along with my Liliana thigh boots after that I applied some lip glo...

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So I just decided to pick something simple and stylish for today's outfit today outfit includes a stripe black and white turtleneck with my black skirt and my black leather jacket along with my Liliana thigh boots after that I applied some lip gloss onto my lips quickly spraying some Japanese cherry blossom perfume onto myself grabbing my bag along with my house keys hearing a ding notifying I have a message quick read the message

hurry up I'm downstairs waiting for you btw I'm dropping you off at school and picking you up

I reread his message a couple of times in my head this can't be true so I jogged out of my room running down the step until standing right in front of the door pulled the door open walked outside closed the door behind myself locking the door speeding walking up to him "king what are you doing here really be honest ?" I asked folding my arms over my chest with a pout

He had the nerves to just look me up and down with this stupid smirk plastered on his dumb face see I don't have the time and patience to play games with this grown-ass man right now I have places to be opening the passenger door getting inside closing the door while he walked over the car getting into the car starting the car engine pulling off "so I'm guessing you know exactly where my school is right?" I questioned

Dude didn't even spare me a look or a glance at this mother fucker "You look good today lil Mama" he said

oh so now the big bad wolf wanna speak up "Thank you" I said the car ride to my school was silent but not an uncomfortable or awkward silence soon after we pulled up in front of my school seeing people all over campus just when I was about to get out the car I heard him ask "what time you get out of school so I can come pick you up ?" he asked

"I just out of school at 1:30 don't have that many classes," I said watching him hop out of the car walk over to my side open up the car door help me out of the car mumbling a quick thank you feeling everyone's eyes on me making me feel hella uncomfortable and awkward quickly walked into the school but I guess today wasn't my day because I unfortunately bumped into someone falling on my ass

"Fuck that hurt a lot sorry wasn't paying much attention," I said trying to feel nice until I heard nothing but complete laughter it's just like my whole day got turned upside down knowing exactly who that is my enemy Joshua it's like he hated me from day one I don't have a clue why just decided to ignore him along with his minions helping myself off the floor

"What the fuck do you want Joshua don't you have better things to do than mess with me all damn day fuck ?" I asked while dusting myself off

He walked up to me getting all in my face trying to scare me I guess but little does he know he wasn't scaring me he just looked me up and down with nothing but complete disgust "Look here you gay bitch nobody likes you around here so why don't you just leave or just die already" he said while his minions laughing alongside them

I just sighed rolling my eyes and giving him the fakest smile I could mutter up and just pushed past him and his minions walking straight to my first call making it inside before the trad bell could ring and sitting down in the seat farther in the back and wishing this day could be over quickly

Few Hours Later

The last bell rang letting me know it was lunchtime standing up picked up my bag made my way out of the classroom walked to the lunchroom heard a ding from my phone looked down at my phone

what are you doing lil mama? what class are you in now? want me to come pick you up?

I'm about to have lunch then after this I can take my ass home are you willing to bring me some chick-fil-a I want a chicken nugget combo with a Sprite and extra buffalo sauce when you bring it to come through the office

Turning my phone off smiling like a full make my way into the crowded lunchroom hearing nothing but chatting, yelling, and screaming looking around the lunchroom until my eyes land on an empty lunch table walking towards it sit down pull out my recent library book decide to just read this book until he brings my food

As I'm reading MIND me and my own business three people thought it was ok to approach the table I'm sitting at and sat down right in front of me "So Asia right ain't that a bitches name you look more like a feminine male" he said laughing at his joke that I did not find funny one bit

"So Asia you got a boyfriend with your gay ass I mean I know you don't look at you who would want to date a feminine-looking dude I sure in the hell wouldn't," he said laughing along with his two friends

"Joshua why are you bothering me do you not have better things to do than bother me or make fun of the way I look or dress look I would never give you a chance to fuck off already with you and your bitch ass friends," I said smirking at him while everyone had there eyes on us I just watched him twitch and fumble with anger prove my point but the next thing he did leave everyone in the lunchroom shocked

He had the balls to get up from where he was seated walk his ass around the table stood right in front of me slapping his left hand against my cheek it happened too fast for me to even reacted my cheek was now stingy while tears started to well up in my eyes I stood up quickly pushing his ass to the floor punching him nonstop


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now