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after a little while we finished up organizing the shipments and shipped them out to whoever ordered and asked for what while sending out the last shipment I made my way into my office closed the door behind myself plopped down into my chair sighi...

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after a little while we finished up organizing the shipments and shipped them out to whoever ordered and asked for what while sending out the last shipment I made my way into my office closed the door behind myself plopped down into my chair sighing heavily while relaxing into my chair I hear my phone ring looking over at my phone my mother name pop up on the screen

reaching for my phone I answered the call "Hello Mother what do I own the pleasure of speaking with you" I said "I called you twice today and you just now picked up gosh maybe I should come and visit you more often but anyways there's a get together happening today so I want you there" she said

I sighed heavily while rubbing my hand down my face "Mother I'll be there in a minute" I said "ok thank you hun and I love you" she said while hanging up

once finishing up in my office I headed out my office and walked out of the warehouse towards my Lamborghini Urus hopped in and made my way towards my crib pulled up in my driveway quickly hopped out my whip ran into my crib walked up the stairs into my room changing into my Nike sweat suit putting on my Nike air forces walking out my room making my way down the stairs walking out my house closing and locking the door behind me hopping back in my whip driving off to my parents house

His outfit

parking my car in front of my parent's house hopping out closing the door making sure my car was locked after locking ma car I made ma way towards the backyard hearing music playing and people chatting in the distance while walking towards the bac...

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parking my car in front of my parent's house hopping out closing the door making sure my car was locked after locking ma car I made ma way towards the backyard hearing music playing and people chatting in the distance while walking towards the backyard I saw some unfamiliar faces and familiar faces and some people I ain't fuck with but I only came because my mother wanted me to

"king hunny you came give your mother a hug" mother said opening her arms wrapping them around me hugging me tightly I returned the tight hug quickly pulling back "so momma who is some of these unknown people here" I said looking at these unfamiliar faces

"oh hunny no need to worry so of them are my friends at work or some people I started hanging out with but your father is inside he wants to talk to you" mother said walking off towards the group of women chatting away stuffed my hand in ma pockets walking inside ma parents house looking around for ma father already knowing where he is

I made ma walk to his office pushing the door open walking inside closing the door behind myself me and my father don't have that great of a bond be I understand him and he understands me 50/50 relationship I guess "so son have you found anybody special yet" father said while puffing on his cigar

see I already knew this was coming everytime he gets the chance he ask me the same question over and over why you might ask he wants me to marry on of his friends daughter see I'm not all for the whole committed relationship type shit plus I like it best when I'm single I can fuck who I want when I want and whenever I want so I'm good on the whole marriage shit

sighing heavily looking up at my father sitting down on the couch across from him "father I appreciate you for caring but I don't want to get married right now I enjoy being single" I said frustrated and irritated with him asking me the same question every time my mother came in at the right time "there's somebody i want you two to meet friends of mine" mother said looking at me and my father

we both stood from are spot followed behind my mother annoyed but at least my mother was enjoying this we walked up to this random ass family until my mother was the first to speak up "hello Katherine I'm guessing this is your family" mother said

"well I'll like to introduce you to my son and my husband" mother said looking over at me

I rolled my eyes "I'm King Williams" I said stuffing my hands in my pocket letting my eyes wander around the party until my eyes land on a fine ass piece of ass making me lick my in the process but my mother decided otherwise "KING!!!! I know you hear me talking to you" mother says while folding her arms

"yes mother" I said while looking at her

"take the Parker kids into the house and show him around the house" she said

I nodded my head turning around walking back into the house with two figures following behind while telling them every inch of the house I felt somebody arms lock around my arm making me cringe in disgust "hello king I'm Sarah and this is my little brother Asia I know what your thinking why does my brother have a girl name to be honest I don't really know" she said smile showing off her yellow teeth

I looked over to him looking his outfit up and down sliding my tongue over my bottom lip damn he looks good in that outfit shit I know I'm not gay but I don't mind tapping that ass you know just a quick one night stand and just leave it at that I shrug my shoulders smirking

Asia outfit


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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now