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So I had my day planned out today and I decided that I was gonna go and bother my little bunny hopped my ass straight out of bed took myself a quick and decent shower brushing my teeth walked out of my bathroom into my closet looking for an decent...

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So I had my day planned out today and I decided that I was gonna go and bother my little bunny hopped my ass straight out of bed took myself a quick and decent shower brushing my teeth walked out of my bathroom into my closet looking for an decent outfit picking out my outfit putting that shit on grabbing my socks sliding them on putting on my desert rock boots grabbing my cologne spraying some on myself

His outfit

Taking my car keys along with my phone and my wallet walked out of my room smirking hearing yelling and shouting from the living room feeling a slight headache starting to form as I start rubbing my head making my way into the living room seeing t...

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Taking my car keys along with my phone and my wallet walked out of my room smirking hearing yelling and shouting from the living room feeling a slight headache starting to form as I start rubbing my head making my way into the living room seeing two random chicks in my living room arguing back and forth with each other

"Who the fuck are you two and how the fuck did y'all get into my crib," I asked them both

They both turned their heads towards me running towards me pushing their bodies against mine just pushed them off me walked to the front door opened the door pulled them outside my house closed and locked the front door walked up to my black Lamborghini Urus unlocking the car door hoping into my car driving towards my bunny house pulling up in front of his house pulling my phone out

Me: hurry up I'm downstairs waiting for you btw I'm dropping you off at school and picking you up

As I waited patiently for him to text me back my boys send me a quick text letting me know we had a shipment today after a few minutes I saw him walk out of his house so I decided to get out of my car and walked over to the side of my car leaning up against my car as I watched  him walk up to me cracking a small smile "king what are you doing here really be honest ?" he asked as he folded his arms over my chest with a pout

I just looked him up and down because baby boy
looked hella good today causing me to lick my lips as I helped him climb into my car I walked back over to the driver's side of the car got into my car started the car engine driving off towards his school "So I'm guessing you know exactly where my school is right" he asked

"You look good today Lil Mama," I said as I soon pulled up in front of his school seeing a lot of people in front of the school he was about to get ready to hop out my car until I stopped him "What time you get out of school so I can come pick you up ?" I asked looking at him "I get out of school at 1:30 and don't have that many classes today" he said

Hopping out of my car closed my car door walked over to the passenger door helped him out of the car I helped him grab his things closing the car door while watching him

As he made his way into the school hoping back into my car pulled out of the school parking lot drove towards the warehouse getting out my car making my way towards the warehouse walking into the warehouse seeing all my men working to the bone

But this dumb chick Sarah thought it was a good idea to walk up to me cheesing and smiling like a damn fool clinging onto me like a leech "What the fuck do you want Sarah I dumped your goofy ass for a reason make it quick and speed that shit df up" I said

"Come on king that was only a mistake I promise it won't ever happen again it was only a one-time thing never again," she said

Already annoyed, irritated hearing her voice I just shoved her ass off me walked towards the meeting room once inside I just slammed the door behind me sat down at the end of the table watching everyone sit down after me "Speak now" I said so as time went on we discussed and talked about my product and my shipment that had already arrived on time

Everything was going exactly how I planned it so I decided to sit back and kick my feet up pulled my phone out of my pocket sending a quick text to my bunny

Me: what are you doing lil mama? what class are you in now? want me to come pick you up?

Sitting my phone down on the table talking with my men "Boss is there anything else you need to inform us about" he asked "Oh yeah I think my mom throwing a party sometime this week every one of y'all asses is invited so be there yall ass is dismissed" I said watching everyone stand up bowing towards me leaving the room then heard my phone go off

bunny: I'm about to have lunch then after this u can take my ass home are you willing to bring me some chick-fil-a I want a chicken nugget combo with a Sprite and extra buffalo sauce when you do bring it come through the office

Hopping out of my chair quickly walking out of the meeting room made my way out of the warehouse unlocked my car door hoping inside drove off towards the nearest Chick-fil-A and pulled up into the Chick-fil-A drive-thru "Hello welcome to Chick-fil-A How may I help you today" the employee said

"Let me get a chicken nugget combo with a large Sprite extra buffalo sauce a lemonade thank you," I said

"Ok that will be 18.45 next window please," the employee said pulling up to the next window grabbing a 20 dollar bill handing the employee my money "Would you like a cup holder," she said I shook my head no as she handed me both of my drinks along with straws siting them in the cup holder grabbing my bag of food "thank you," I said pulling off making u-turn head back towards his school

Parking my car in front of the school got out of my car grabbed his food and the drinks closed my car door sipped on lemonade making my way inside the school looking for the office sign until I noticed a student and decided to walk up to her "Aye excuse me where is the office" I asked

She just looked me up and down with her mouth hung open "U-Um just f-follow me p-please" she stuttered as I followed behind her she stopped pushing the office door open everyone's eyes were on me "I came to drop some lunch off to a friend of mines could someone guide a nigga to the lunch area" I asked until the female from earlier bust back into the room

"I can guide him to the lunch area," she said earning a couple of nods turning around I decided to follow behind Shawty again "S-so are you like single or do you have a girlfriend ?" she asked looking me up and down again "Nah I'm single for the moment," I said

We both walked into the lunch area hearing yelling screaming until my eyes scanned around the whole lunch area my eyes landed on a special someone my little bunny people were sitting next to him one dude stood up and walked up to my bunny the next thing he did had me fumbling with nothing but anger balling my hand into a fist until I heard laughter coming from next to me it was this dumb bitch laughing at my bunny I'll deal with her later

Walking straight towards the crowd pushing and shoving past them wrapping my arms around my bunny's waist pulling him off the half-beaten dude leaning towards his ear "Chill the fuck out fr" I whispered turning around walking out of the lunch area walking straight out of the school unlocking my car hoping into my car sitting him on my lap looking him into his eyes "you good now bunny" I asked

"What's up with that lame-ass nickname" he asked as he started laughing


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now