𝟎𝟎𝟑. calm before the storm

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          A snow storm approaches as the wind starts to hit its peak

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A snow storm approaches as the wind starts to hit its peak. A slight sense of panic ignites itself in Alaska's chest when she realizes that she can't see anything before or behind her. With the hood of her jacket over her head, Alaska squints her eyes in attempts at finding some sense of direction. Their next lookout isn't that far, but Alaska knows that they need to wait out the storm before they could get there.

In the distance, Alaska could see a familiar building and begins to lead them towards it. "We're almost there!" She yells over the storm, hoping that Ellie could hear her from behind.

"Where are we going?" Ellie wonders out loud, following Alaska into some unfamiliar shelter.

"Just trust me," Alaska mutters absentmindedly as she closes the door and jumps off her horse.

  Alaska still feels some sort of tension in the air that surrounds her. Something is in the way. Alaska knows Ellie all too well, and she knows that she feels this way because Ellie is trying her hardest to hold onto her anger and the hurt feelings she felt those few years ago. Ellie knows that it's too late to let go of her grudge on Alaska, so she holds it tightly with all of her strength.

Ellie hops off Shimmer and ties her beside Junie, letting them warm up. "You been here before?" She asks, still unsure about the place.

"Yeah, Dina and I used to come here all the time." Alaska assures. "Used to be Eugene's place. He sorta left it to Dina after he died— not like she ever came back after that." She explains, thinking about the last time she'd even mentioned Eugene's name.

"Alright," Ellie nods her head. "Let's make sure it's clear." She mutters lowly before they separated.

Ellie steps into one of the rooms, finding the generator and getting the lights to turn on. Alaska ultimately wanders around, reminiscing about the times when she and Dina had escaped Jackson for a small smoke session. Eugene and Dina had gone on a bunch of patrols together, so he trusted her with his little hideout.

Wildflower Wildfire,           Ellie Williams.Where stories live. Discover now