3 Am - Luxrene

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Omggg guys I'm back in my actually updating regularly and not being a lazy fucking peice of shit era 😘🤭😜 anyways idk I loveee this ship so much idk why I haven't written them yet umm yeah this is set where they all live together in a house or smth idfk
Pure Fluff
No tw

-Luxx POV-
Luxx was laying in her bed, scrolling on Twitter and wishing she could get some sleep. She turned over and looked at the clock beside her bed. The time read 3:16 am. She sighed and buried herself into the pillows at a failed attempt to fall asleep and groaned as she pulled herself out of bed.

She rubbed her eyes and opened the door carefully, as to not wake the other girls. She looked around and the whole hallway was dark and it was completely silent. But then as she was about to close her door she heard a sound. It sounded like a little ping, from some sort of video game.

She raised an eyebrow and slowly walked down the hallway all the way until she reached the living room. She flicked on the light and irene, who had been laying on the couch jumped and settled back down when she saw it was just Luxx. "Jesus Luxx you scared me, what the fuck is your problem?"

Luxx playfully rolled her eyes and sat down next to irene on the couch. "I couldn't sleep and I heard your video game so I came down here" Irene sighed and paused her game so she could face Luxx. "Of course you did."

Luxx smiled in a sarcastically sweet way and leaned back into the couch "so what do you want anyway?" Irene asked, looking at the clock above the door. "I just want some company, I can watch you play your video game or something"

Irene thought about it for a second and then nodded "sure, here lay down with me" She raised the blanked up and signaled for luxx to get closer to her. She shyly inched closer to the older girl. Irene chuckled and pulled luxx closer to her and pulling the blanket over her.

Luxx squeaks and brings her hands up to cover her face. Irene smiles and brings up the controller to start her game back up. (A/N yes, irene is playing mine craft on easy mode) luxx yawns and lays her head against irenes shoulder

After a few hours of playing irene looks at the clock and shuts down her game. She turns to luxx, who was now scrolling on Instagram and practically sitting in irenes lap. "Luxx we should both get some sleep, it's getting pretty late" 

Luxx whined and curled herself into irenes shoulder. "If you want to" Irene raises her eyebrow, confused at what suddenly made luxx so clingy. "Alright I'll go get some stuff from my room.

-time skip to when they are on the couch-

Luxx snuggled closer to irene and closely admired her beautiful face. She felt her face heating up but she snapped back so she was fully sitting up. "She didnt have a crush on irene, she couldn't. But what if she did?"

She didn't want to ruin whatever they had but she didn't want to bottle up her feelings anymore. Irene looked up, confused at luxx's sudden movement. "You good there?" She chuckled, tilting her head.

Luxx nodded slowly, lying back down. Irene looked back at her phone and let it go. Luxx inched her face closer to irenes and she finally looked up from her phone and stared directly into her eyes and Luxx was praying to God that she wasn't blushing.

Irene brought a hand to Luxx's face and gently stroked her cheek. "Luxx?" Irenes voice was quiet as she slowly brought luxx's face closer to hers. "What's up?" Luxx's hands were trembling as she looked deeper into irenes eyes.

-Irene POV-
Irenes breath quivered as luxx looked deep into her eyes. "Can I kiss you?" She didn't know what made that came out of her mouth, but she regretted it immediately after she said it.

Luxx only hesitated for a second, but it second felt like forever. She was about to apologize and go back to her room but then luxx pressed her lips against hers and it felt like heaven. Irenes eyes snapped open in shock as she wondered if she had really fallen asleep and this was just a dream.

But once she felt the warmth of luxx's hand on her waist, she knew that this was actually happening. She kissed back and pulled luxx on top of her so she was lying in her tight embrace.

They soon had to pull away and looked at luxx in a way that she had never looked at anybody before. She was completely speechless as she was caught in a storm of emotions. She opened her mouth but no words managed to come out.

Luxx smiled and looked down, playing with her hands. "So, what does this mean?" She said, breaking the silence. "Uhh I don't really know, I didn't think I'd get this far" (A/N Yes I'm referencing the plankton meme"

Luxx giggled and kissed irene again, more passionately this time. She wrapped both arms around Irenes waist and deepened the kiss. Irene put both hands on each of Luxx's cheeks and she felt the same wave of heat pass over her.

-luxx pov-

Luxx smiled and pulled away, still blushing like a tomato. "Does that answer your question?" She giggled, running a hand through irenes soft hair. "Mhm" Irene mumbled before she was interrupted by luxx's yawn.

"I think we'd both better get some sleep, it's 5 am." Luxx sighed and crossed her arms, but didn't argue. "Can I sleep on top of you?" Luxx did her best puppy eyes and pout while blinking her eyes.

Irene laughed and pulled her into her arms again. Luxx squeaked contently and gave irene a gentle kiss on the forehead. "You know if mistress sees us like this, she'll never let you hear the end of it" Irene said while playing with the hem of luxx's shirt.

"I don't care, this is the only way I'm getting any sleep tonight" luxx says, voic soft from her lack of sleep.Irene smiles and shuts her eyes, finally believing she would be able to sleep tonight.

-time skip to the morning-
(Still Luxx POV)

Luxx fluttered her eyes open, taking a few seconds to render what was happening. She looked at irene, who was on her phone, and she noticed that one of her hands was on her waist. That means that what had happened the previous night actually happened.

Luxx raised her head and irene looked up from her phone. "Hey there sleepy head" she smiled, setting her phone down on the couch. Luxx tilted her head, confused at the remark. "What time is it?" She asked, concerned that she had slept through the whole day.

"11:48, you almost slept through the whole morning again" luxx rolled her eyes and sat up completely, rubbing her eyes. "Sit up" luxx said, staring deep into Irene's soul. "What?" Irene raised an eyebrow, confused at the request

"you heard me" luxx says, not looking away. Irene sits up quickly, concerned at luxx's strange mood.  Luxx grabs irenes face, pulling her in for a kiss. Irene soon kissed back, putting both of her hands on each of her thighs.

They pulled away and irene smiled, fixing her hair. Just then, Mistress walks in mumbling about how they don't make coffee strong enough for a tired bitch like her. She walked into the living room and had to do a double take at what the fuck she just witnessed.

"Girl i don't know if I'm just super fucking high but whAt the fUck is that" luxx giggled and turned to mistress. "Hey bitch" mistress sat down next to them on the couch and shook her head. "ANETRA GET YOUR ASS IN HERE, THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY" mistress shouts all the way down the hallway.

Soon enough anetras running through the hallway, stopping immediately when she saw what mistress was talking about "bitch what the fuck?" She said after catching her breath
"THATS WHAT I SAID" Mistress shouted. If everyone wasn't already awake, they were now.

Luxx turned to irene and chuckled, leaning in to whisper in irenes ear. "She is never going to leave us alone" luxx said under her breath. "I told you so" Irene giggled, turning to mistress and anetra, both giving them a funny look.

They knew that they would be bothered by the other queens for the rest of her life. But as long as they had the other with them, that was enough.

Oof Chile I'm tireddd idek what inspired me to right this but probably because you have the
#1 Luxrene shipper right here
1521 words
(wtf I know that's not a lot but it's a lot for me okay 😭😭)

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