The best morning- camgeria

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Not sure what the titles doing but i wanted to finally finish this this, because ive had this idea since november 2023. This is really short. I'm sorry my mind is just very busy atm. It's very fluffy to make up for the shitposting lately :((
Tw: None

Angie groans and sits up in bed, rubbing her eyes. she turns over and smiles when she sees her girlfriend curled up right next to her. Angie and camden had fallen asleep in each others arms the previous night.

She leans down and presses a kiss to her forehead before gently releasing herself from camdens arms. she walks downstairs and looks at the clock, 11:00 am. camden would be waking up soon enough.

Angie pulls some stuff out of the fridge to make them both a nice breakfast. neither of them had anything to do that day, so they could have a slow morning.

She gets a box of mini muffins, bacon, and eggs, which were her and camdens favorite breakfast. they would eat it all the time if they could, but they usually had to get up for work early and dont have time for a full breakfast.

Angie was in the middle of making the bacon and eggs, when she felt camden hug her from behind. she turns around and smiles when she sees camden wearing her sweater.

"hey cammie" angie says, picking a sleepy camden up and into her arms. camden mumbles a good morning back into her neck and wrapping her legs around angies waist.

"did you sleep well last night?" Angie asks, placing camden down so she was sat on the counter next to her. camden nods and yawns, stretching her legs. Angie chuckles and turns her attention back to the pan full of bacon.

the two spent the rest of the morning cuddling while watching movies, comforted in each others presence. But that was the only thing either of them needed.

i was just needing to get this idea out of my drafts :) im in my ambitious era so ill be writing TDE more often

Word count:352

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