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I tore my ALC... again. So I wrote this. Sorry for being inactive as hell, I'm just bad at actually finishing stuff. I'm not sure if this is good or if it's just my delusion 🙃🙃 anyways enjoyy
tw- injury?


Irene had never been the type to ask for help. She usually hid her feelings away, as she didn't want to be seen as weak. Even when her girlfriend luxx tried to offer her help, she refused.

A few days ago, irene had hurt her ankle at a show. Luxx usually has a reason to worry about irenes health, either mental or physical. She's not great at taking care of herself, but this makes luxx worry more than usual.

Irene somehow convinced her that she was fine and that she didn't have to worry, but as the days went by and the state of her ankle got worse, luxx had a harder and harder time believing her.

It had almost been a week since the accident, and irenes ankle wasn't getting any better. Irene was trying to convince herself that the pain would go away.

"Irene, please just let me put some ice on it, It will feel so much better." luxx pleaded, desperately wanting to help irene.

"Luxx, I promise, if it gets bad, I'll tell you, but it feels fine." Irene said, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her left ankle, but as she continued to neglect it, that became harder.

"Fine, but if it's not completely better by this time tomorrow, I'm taking you to the emergency room, I can't stand seeing you in this much pain." Luxx huffed, not very pleased with irenes stubborn attitude.

"Fine, whatever." Irene mumbled, knowing that luxx was right, no matter how much she didn't want to admit it.

-time skip to the next day-

Luxx had just made breakfast, and much to her confusion, irene hadn't come down to get some food, unlike most mornings when she rushed down to get food.

She made both of them plates of bacon, eggs, and pancakes before making her way up the stairs to get irene.

But when she opened the door to their bedroom, instead of finding a sleeping irene, she found irene limping across the room, with tears in her eyes.

"Irene, oh my God!" Luxx shouted when she saw the state the other girl was in. Her ankle was purple and blue, and the swelling had doubled since the day before.

"Hey, luxx." Irene whimpered,trying to talk through the pain. Luxx ran to her side and supported her hurt leg before walking her over to the bed.

"Oh baby... why didn't you tell me?" Luxx mumbles before peppering irenes face with soft kisses.

"I didn't want you to worry." Irene said, smiling when luxx kissed her.

"Irene, how about we take you to the hospital, I promise it will make you feel better." Luxx said as she ruffled her fingers through irenes long hair, knowing it calms her down.

"Yeah, I guess I'll go." Irene mumbles, not thrilled that she has to go to the hospital.

-Time skip to after the Hospital bc im lazy-

Luxx helped irene through the door and onto their couch, relieved that the doctor said it was only a minor fracture. it wasnt great, but it could be worse (story of my life)

"here sweetheart, sit down and ill get you some food , pain meds and a blanket." luxx said while grabbing everything she could think of that irene could possibly need.

irene has said before that she hates being babied, but luxx knows that she secretely loves it, as she notices smile on irenes face during the rare occassion.

"alright, thank you baby" irene said, settling down on the couch, one of the few places she would be during the next two weeks while her ankle healed up.

luxx soon returns back with a blanket, pain meds, snacks, and an ice pack. she sits down next to irene and snuggles in close to her, hoping to comfort the injured girl.

in a matter of minutes, they fell asleep tangled in each others arms, the tv show they had on running in the backround.


i know its bad, atp i have a bajillion things i need to finish but whatever but after this HOPEFULLY i finish another chapter of TDE. no promises tho. word count: 732

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