Storm - Jankie

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Help do yall ever rewatch S12 and forget how hard you ship jankie 🤭🥲
also this piccc like HELLOO???
My cousin gave me inspo for this one
A tiny bit of angst but mostly Fluff
Tw- Astraphobia, slight panic attack

(No POV)
Jan was sitting at home, watching TV and waiting for Jackie to get home. It was about 10 minutes until she gets home and Jan was relaxed and about to fall asleep on the couch until a loud boom echoed through their whole house.

Jan shuddered as the sound shook through her ears. She looked out the window and the light rain had become a storm. As another boom came through she squeaked and hid herself in the blankets.

She pulled out her phone and checked the time, 5:23. It was only a few minutes until Jackie came home, she could hold it together until then. She yelped as she was caught off guard by another boom.

She didnt know why thunder scared her so much, it was just so loud and she could never tell when it would happen. She ran upstairs and buried herself in the bedsheets. Her breathing got rapid and heavy.

"Calm down Jan, it's just a storm, you can get over it" She told herself in her head a hundred times over but her attempts failed. She looked at the time, 5:28. She could cuddle with Jackie when she got home, she just needed to hold herself together.

She sighed as the thunder calmed down but as she set her head down the loudest boom of thunder came through the house. She let out a sob as tears started pouring down her cheeks. She pulled the sheets over her head and sobbed.

Just then, she heard the door creak open. "I'm home baby!" Jackie shouted as she made her way up the stairs. Jan did her best to quiet her sobs as Jackie got closer to their shared room. She heard the bedroom door open and she didn't look up as Jackie entered the room.

Jackie pulled the sheet off of her and tilted her head. "What's wrong love? She puts her finger under her chin and lifts it so Jan is looking at her. Jan eases her breath a bit but recoils back into the sheets when another strike of thunder bangs in her eardrums.

Jackie pulls her into her arms and presses a kiss into her hair. "Is it the storm?" Jan nods and wipes the tears from her face. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner sweetie" Jackie rubs her back and soothes the younger girl.

Jan pulls her face out of Jackie's chest and looks up at her "it's okay, just glad you're here now." Jackie smiles and scoops Jan into her arms, getting both of them settled into bed.

Every now and then the thunder would strike and Jan would get tense for a while but with Jackie constantly soothing and comforting her she was able to snuggle back into Jackie's arms.

Time skip to like an hour later

Jan propped herself up so she was at eye level with Jackie and pressed a quick kiss against her cheek "I love you" Jan mumbles, cuddling back against Jackie's chest.

"I love you too baby" Jackie runs a hand through Jan's hair and stares lovingly at the younger girl. "So much"

Brjdsos idek what this is it sucks so bad but I love them and I wanted to update before I start school tommorow 😭😭😭
I'm so sorry for not updating regularly like I said I will but pls give suggestions and I promise I will do them sometime soon I have more updates coming soon so yeah be prepared for more shit


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