the shuttle visit part 1

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"Come, Daddy!" Eliana said as she drug her father by the hand as they entered the shuttle. She was excited to see her Grandparents. Jack chuckled, looking at Julianna, who wobbled behind them. She waved at Beverly, who hugged her warmly. Eliana grabbed a hold of her grandmother 's leg, smiling .

"Granma!" The small child beamed, her face looking just like her father's when he was little. Eliana  let go of her father's hand and sprang her little arms up so that her Grandmother  could pick her up and give her a cuddle. Beverly chuckled, giving her granddaughter  kisses on her cheek. "Are you ready?" She asked as she bounced her on her hip.
The young girl chuckled. "Yeah! Go home!" She smiled . She hugged her Grandmother  as Jean Luc smiled , making his way over to them. Eliana had spent sometime over the summer at the Vineyard. She played alot with her Grandfather. 
"Granpa!" She chimed.
"My Eliana," Jean Luc replied. He scooped her up into his arms and began twirling her around.
Jack and Julianna smiled at each other as their daughter  bonded with her Grandparents.   Both had been there when she was born. After her parents, Beverly  was the first of the two to hold her. Followed by Jean Luc.
Then Lisa and Julian. Finally, her Great grandfather,  Will.

"She looks like her Grandmother, " he said quietly  at the time. Thinking of his first wife  and the mother of Lisa and her siblings.
He still missed her, even though she had been dead for over thirty years.

Eliana's giggle brought Julianna back to the present.  Her daughter sat in her Grandfather 's lap as he was explaining  the controls to her. Jack held his hand out for his Wife to take. Julianna took his hand in her own and lifted his arm up, twirling underneath  it. Beverly  smiled, watching the young couple. Jack was head over heels in love with Julianna. And the young woman was head over heels in love with him.

They had seen each other through  some very dark times. And come out the other side. Beverly  watched as Jack held onto his Wife as closely as he could.

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