~getting to know eachother~

510 10 16

Short replay:

Muis short pov-

Wonder if he's gay...


Muichiros pov-

After the chaotic trio was calm I looked at the time and I noticed that a girl with black and (it's not kanao) purplely eyes..what ever."sir kamado we need to go."I said while observing the gurl.he nodded and waved goodbye to his chaotically Friends

While we were walking to the car tanjiro inturrped the silence."so tokito-san why did you become a body gaurd?" He asked.i looked over to him."it's fun I guess..plus I want to protect people?".I wasn't sure about my answer but  it helped."alright tokito-san! do u want to go to a café?"he said cheerfully.i nodded and he grabbed my hand and ran to a near by café

We entered the café and the sat down to a table..tanjiro put his hood on since he's an idol..(why it always café's!?!?) ."so tell me more about Ur self" he said again ."well I like to watch movies mostly action,I also like reading."I replied."I also like reading! What kind of genre do you like to read?"

He asked."eh..action fantasy I guess?".(don't blame me I don't know💀)."me to! But not with the action but I like to read romance as well!" Just before I could speak the gurl came with gun and yelled at us to get in the ground(Ayo? Playing pretend's 'failed date'!?" We all got down in the ground everyone was shaking a and.. praying?

I was just planning on what to do if he hurts tanjiro (no sweetie it's you ✨future waifu✨)."you there with re-.TANJIRO KAMADO!?" She yelled and I got quickly got up and strangeled her

*Insert fighting scene because I'm not good with that*

The police arrived at the scene and I think that the gurl was unconscious."sir. Thank you for giving us time and saving the people before we came.." the police said to me and I nodded and I turned around to tanjiro with sparkling eyes and he seemed to be impressed and suprised

We got out side since the police ordered the people to go out and do stuff."tokito-san that was amazing!!" Tanjiro cheerfully and with a mixed of fear in his tone said which made me blush a bit.."no need to be worried sir.." i replied."No need to call me sir! Just call me tanjiro!" He said while hugging me (🫢 i-)."is tanji okay?" I asked because it's a bit tiring to say tanjiro or shm

He nodded and let go of me."let's go to the house my parents is probably worried rn" he said sarcastically

Tanjiros pov-

We both walked to the car and muichiro was really impressive.he opened the door for me and I went in.he went in and started the car and drove

✨2 hours late ig✨

We arrived and surprisingly everyone was asleep and I just signaled mui to follow me...we silently walked up the stairs until I tripped on something.and muichiro grappled me on the waist...we both stared at each other


Someone yelled..and it was nezuko..we both turned to nezuko and muichiro helped me get up and we were standing...still.

"YOU TWO ARE DATING!?" She yelled which made my mother slam the door."WHO" she screamed.(just imagine that the other kids are deep sleepers.)."MUI AND TANJIRO HERE IS DATING!" She yelled ."shh!!! The kids are sleeping!!!!" Yelled kinda silently.while mui was still standing still waiting..

"How long have you been dating!?" Nezuko said."FIRST we are not dating.SECONDwe just met!" I replied."alright we'll talk about this tomorrow and mui are you sure?" My mother said and muichiro just nodded

We both went to my room."I'm so sorry for that tokito-san".I said and he just said its okay..

I helped him get the couch bed thingy done.and he went to the bathroom first because I already took a shower since I had consert
I went to the closet and changed into PJ's I plopped on my bed and I heard the bathroom door open..

I did not look since...yeah

✨After that✨

"Are u ready tokito-san?".and he just nodded from the bed.i turned the lights off and went into a deep sleep.


Word count: 732

Im tired

Im tired

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