CH 2

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" Now say, exactly what were you two doing at the airport ? "

Silence ~~~~

"SAY ! "

Both Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng flinched at once.
They are sitting on a sofa at their main office with their heads down and hands folded on their lap, looking just like the perfect picture of obedience.

A fierce looking lady is standing in front of them, hands on her hips, brows pinched together.

Their super scary manager lady Wen Qing.

" Why are you two so silent now ? "
Wen Qing asked again tapping her foot on the floor, she is reaching her limits.

She woke up in the morning to find her phone blasting with calls and messages.
Before she can understand anything the news started to pop up and...

[ Twin Prides At The Airport To Welcome Lan Wangji ? ]

[ Is This A Popularity Stunt ? ]

[ Rumours Have It That They Are Appearing In A Variety Show Together Soon. Is It A Promotion ? ]

No need to say the rest she didn't even have the time to have her morning coffee.

"To catch a peacock", Wei Ying mumbled.

"What ?"

"To catch a thief", he said out loud

"...", Jiang Cheng

' Couldn't have said something better '
' Shut up ! Say it yourself '
' Idiot '

Their silent conversation didn't go unnoticed by Wen Qing.
She sighed,
"You two make me want to jump off a cliff sometimes"

" We are sorry", the Twin Prides said in unison, so much obidience

Wen Qing sat opposite to them, rubbing her forehead she looked at her laptop and said
" Let's keep quiet for now, Lan Wangji is known to not like such things but he still haven't said anything so... Let's wait and see. "
She suddenly slapped the table and said,
" This people !"

"What's wrong ?" Jiang Cheng asked

"Nothing, just don't go online for some time - both of you
The situation is still normal, we will release a statement if necessary and -
Next time be careful "

Both of them smiled, Wen Qing is just like their sister she could never scold them seriously.

"Jiang Cheng, you wait for me outside. I have something to talk to with Wen Qing "

" What else ?"

"Aiyah! Just do it. I am coming in a moment"

"Fine", reluctantly Jiang Cheng went out of the door

Wei Ying sat beside Wen Qing and said in a serious tone,
" Wen Qing, is there a way to stop all this news , immediately "

" What ? Is it bothering you that much ?"

" No, uh - it's actually - Lan Wangji is kind of scary " Wei Ying scratched his head.

" I am afraid he is planning something like a big revenge, if the way he looked at me at the airport had anything to say, he didn't like me at all "

" You think too much. If Lan Wangji was that bothered, he would have done something already.
And - "

She looked at Wei Ying. His eyes are a bit unfocused and he is fiddling with his fingers.

" Is that the only reason ? "

" Hmm ", Wei Ying smiled
" I dragged Jiang Cheng along in trouble with me this time "

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