CH 15

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Wei Ying rubbed his hands together as he stood beside Lan Wangji on the balcony.
His palms has become sweaty from nervousness.

' I should have practices before ! ' he is punching himself in his mind.

" Wei Ying "

Wei Ying jumped at Lan Wangji's sudden voice, " Y-Yes ! "

" Are you nervous for some reason "

" I am not ! Why would I be nervous haha- ha ... Well yes I am nervous "

" Why ? "

" Why you ask me ? You didn't text me contacted for so long ! What if you hate me ? "
Wei Ying pointed an accusing finger at Lan Wangji

" I - was busy "

" Lying is bad Lan Zhan ! "
" Lying is forbidden " he whispered

" What ? "

" Lying. Is. Forbidden !
Your are the one who said it to me. Remember ? "

Lan Wangji didn't say anything just stared

" It was the first time we ever met. I came late and tried to sneak in.
You caught me immediately ! " Wei Ying laughed at the memory
How he was sneaking through the backdoor but came face to face with the young boy whose face was not suited for the angry expression he was making.

It made him look so cute !
Wei Ying laughed more when he remembered Lan Wangji's face back then

" I said I got chased by a dog on my way but you immediately caught me and said - ' lying is forbidden ' "

" Wei Ying you - "

" Mmhm " Wei Ying smiled brightly at Lan Wangji
" I am so stupid that I couldn't even remember my only friend.
Don't stay so silent you have something you want to ask don't you ? "
Wei Ying rested his head on the railing and looked up at the person beside him, he has a small smile at the corner of his lips

Lan Wangji have so many things to ask. So many questions stored inside his heart for years. So many...

" Why - why did you remove your name from the audition list that time ? "

" I wanted A-Cheng to audition "

Wei Ying answered immediately

They stood in silence again letting the slightly cold breeze sooth them
Wei Ying removed his hairtie letting his long hair to cover his face

" I never got along with Wen Chao ", he started
" There was no reason, he just didn't like me. We would meet at every audition and he would always try to pick a fight with me .
He always got there because of the influence the Wens had but I didn't and it was obvious, so he never really challenged me.
But that time when he saw Jiang Cheng -
He beat him up. Jiang Cheng got a head injury lost a few of his memories.
You get the rest right ? I decided to never go to acting again at least I don't have to see Wen Chao again A-Cheng won't be targeted again "

" You also moved to and city." Lan Wangji let out a sigh as he gripped the railing tighter
" I tried to contact you but I couldn't. Then one day I saw you on internet as the newly debuted idol "

" I am sorry.
Lan Zhan I am sorry "

" I am not angry don't be sorry "

" I knew you would say that, Huanguang- Jun " Wei Ying

Lan Wangji smiled, a wave nostalgia hitting him
He saw a young boy with messy rough hair and a red sweater running towards him

' Hanguang - Jun ! Let's have lunch together ! '

The first character he ever played, Wei Ying never let him forget.

" But Lan Zhan, do you want to be free again ? "

" If Wei Ying wants to "

" I don't "


" Hahaha Lan Zhan look at your face I scared you didn't I ? Hahaha
I don't want to be friends again.
This time can we be something more than that ? "

Wei Ying asked as moved closer to Lan Wangji, he took his hands and looked into those bright golden eyes, a big smile playing on his lips

Lan Wangji stood stunned for a moment, then he slowly interwined their fingers and touched their foreheads.

" Wei Ying it has always been you "

" Me too it's always you. Only you "

Slowly, shyly they closed the distance between them.

At that moment they didn't care about anything, all the lights and cameras, it's just in the whole world

Even though there life became a lot tougher in that moment they are sure.
They can survive.

Little epilogue -

Wei Ying and Lan Wangji stared in the movie together they hid their relationship from the world. The world knows them as best friends some loves to ship them some don't, it doesn't really bother them.
Wei Ying's acting carrier flourished in no time but he calls it a part time job as he is a full time idol.

The Twin Prides keeps getting popular with each comeback, they fight more but they also love more.
Jiang Cheng was not happy when Wei Ying started spending nights at Lan Wangji's but soon enough he got his own Lan to keep him company.

Also Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli got married. They are a happy and lovely couple but Jin Zixuan lives in a constant fear of getting murdered any time.

All in all they are a happy family 😁

Bye 👋💕

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