CH 11

457 32 3

They say ' the show must go on ' and Wei Ying thinks that's exactly what's happening.
It's been two days since his fight with Lan Wangji.
Is it even a fight ? He don't know. But they still haven't reconciled.

Everytime he tried to talk to Lan Wangji he got a cold shoulder.
They only talked when the cameras are on. Lan Wangji turned away the moment they stopped filming.

He has absolutely no idea of what he did wrong but he wants to clear it as soon as possible.

But he didn't got the chance.

The shooting on the first location ended. Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng had to get ready for their comeback album and promotions so they got out immediately.
They couldn't even stay for the dinner with everyone.

In the car Wen Qing recited their new schedule. While the Twin Prides tried to mentally prepare themselves for the huge weight they will carry.

Jiang Cheng leaned back in his sit and closed his eyes.
Wei Ying just stared outside the window blankly

" You have two more photoshoots after today's fitting.
And Madam has asked to add more practice sessions since you missed a lot of practice already "

" When's the recording ? " Jiang Cheng asked

" Three days from now... That will be Tuesday "

" Mn "

" We have delayed a lot because of this variety show so we need to rush a little now, if we want to keep everything on track.
Oh, I have got the rough plans for your touring I will send it to you, Madam has send it to me personally.
About the title song... "

She didn't stop talking but Wei Ying has stopped listening. He already knows what she is going to say and how she is going to say - the good news of their fully packed schedule.

He is going to get really busy starting this moment. He will barely have the time to sleep let alone think about other things.
Does knowing it makes him stop thinking about Lan Wangji ? No

' When will be the next time I will see Lan Zhan ? '
He knows it will be the next shooting for Nation's First Love.
But he doesn't want to wait that long.

He remembers the look in Lan Wangji's eyes.
They were sad hurt and there was also something else he couldn't find the right words for.

' What made him look like that ? '
Whatever he has done must have felt terrible. He no longer wants to know what he had done wrong as long as he can apologise, as long as Lan Zhan doesn't show that expression anymore, he don't need anything else

He got out of his trance when Jiang Cheng shook him. Violently.

" What ? " He snapped

" We called you ten times already ! Where are you so lost at !"

" I am not lost. What are you saying ? "

Wen Qing cleared her throat, " After your comeback you will get some time to rest. Would you mind taking another project then- alongside the variety show ofcourse ? "

" What kind of project ? "

" Acting "

" Huh ? "

" Apparently your pair with Lan Wangji has brought a lot of attention to it. Many production teams are trying to use it.
One of them which already has a contract with Lan Wangji has requested you to join the cast in their series.
Lan Wangji will be the main character, they want you to become the male lead"

Wei Ying rubbed his forehead, " You already know my answer "

" I personally think, it's not bad - "

" I don't think it's good "

" Why don't you at least try ? " Jiang Cheng said looking away from him

" A-Cheng  you know I- "

" You what ? Don't you love acting ? Why do you deny it everytime ? "

" I don't "

" Shut up you can't lie to me all the time. Do you think I don't see you recite lines from your favourite movies in front of the mirror or do you think I don't know why you get so excited when our mvs have roleplays in it ? Or - do you think I don't see how fucking good you are at it
So, why don't you accept ? "

" A-Cheng it's my personal choice, you can't force me "

" Wei Ying you - when will you stop being so stupid ! "

" What's stupid about this ? Who even said I liked acting ? I am satisfied with whatever I am doing I don't need anything else "

" You - " Jiang Cheng huffed

The car is silent. Wen Qing hasn't spoken yet and Jiang Cheng is murmuring something under his breath

The silence made the beating of his heart louder to Wei Ying's ears

' Who do you think you are ? '
' You are just a street rat who got lucky '
' Know your place, want to save your brother ? Do you even have a brother ? '
' Oh ! That's right you are here to save your master ~ hah! What a loyal servant you are what else do you do for your master ? '

Somethings can never be forgotten, even after trying a hundred or a thousand times.

Wei Ying squeezed his eyes shut to stop the tears from escaping.
Yes he loves acting, both his parents were actors ofcourse he loves acting
It was his dream once.

Yes, he recites the lines of his father's movies tries to look like him on screen.

But, what's the use - he gave up his real dreams a long time ago.

Just like he gave up the chance of being the main character of the movie from his mother's favourite novel. For his brother
He doesn't regret it he loves his brother he regrets what happened afterwards.

He also gave up hope of ever meeting his only friend from the acting school.

The only one who was nice to him.

Among all the rich snobby kids who wanted to make friends with the Jiang children to get on the good side of the Jiang entertainment. It was only that sweet quite boy who genuinely wanted to be his friend.

They had once made a promise that they will act in the same show one day and the show will be so good it will go down history.

He never got to fulfil his promise, after that day - he don't remember his face only the warmth that made him feel like home.

Wei Ying clutched his jacket tight, he don't even remember his name.

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