CH 12

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" Are you nervous ? "

" I am fine "

In the blink of an eye it's time for their concert.
Wei Ying didn't think about the acting offer again. They still haven't accepted or denied it. Jiang Cheng haven't brought it up again

It was for the best because that day after coming back Wei Ying suffered from a high fever that delayed their schedule even more. They just haven't talked about the topic at all since then but the tension is still their.

Right now Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng are standing backstage of the big stadium filled with millions of people waiting for their entry.

Wen Qing stood between them and squeezed their shoulders. She said in a soft voice
" It's ok to be nervous. We have rushed a lot this time. Don't think about making everything perfect, it's totally fine if you make mistakes. The promotions all went perfect right here no one will judge you. Go! Have fun !"

" I am not nervous and I never make mistakes so I am not worried at all", Wei Ying tried to give a brave smile

" Why ask him when he is never gonna admit it ? ", Jiang Cheng said crossing his arms over his chest.

" Get ready you two your entry's in two minutes " Wen Qing clapped their back
" Go wild ! "

" Oh we will !"


" Uff " Jiang Cheng let out a huff as he collapsed in their van seat
" Finally going back ughh, pass me the water "

Wei Ying was making a nest in his seat with towels and jackets, he threw the bottle near him.

" Where did you get so many towels from ? "

" I stole them"

" From where ? "

" From the hotel ofcourse, they gave us a whole bundle and I took the whole bundle.
They are so soft look ! "

Jiang Cheng just sighed and leaned back, he is acting like they can't buy ten bundles of towels any moment he want.

" Aren't you proud ? " Wei Ying asked smiling so wide it's blinding

" Yeah I am  "

They fell into a comfortable silence as the van started moving. They still need to visit the main office after they arrived so they tried their best to keep the exhaustion from hitting.

" Wei Ying " , Jiang Cheng called

" Mn ? "

" What ... Do you think about.... the series ? "

" What series ? "

" That one... You have been called to "

" Mother asked to not return it right away. She probably wants to send me to the audition "

Jiang Cheng smiled, " You will not need any audition "

" They need to see ... What if I can't act the way they want me to ?"

" You are joking ! "


" Are you going to the audition ? "

" If Mother said - can I deny ? "

" You will go if someone else told you to ? Not because you want ? "

" You know my answer "


" A-Jie has returned. She will be waiting for us in the office" Jiang Cheng tried to change the subject

" Shijie ? Why didn't she call me ? "

" She called me last night, you were sleeping then "

" You are so bad Jiang Wanyin so bad, you are worst you should have woke me up "

" You were sleeping like the dead ! "

" Bring me back from dead then ! I will take rebirth for Shijie anyday "

" Die first ! "

" Master Wei Master Jiang we have arrived - Master - "

By the time they arrived, they were fast asleep and couldn't wake up even when Wen Ning called them a hundred times.
Two people who loves sleeping so much went on without any sleep for God knows how many days, it was the inevitable

" Let them sleep for a little longer they must be really tired to sleep like this even when I am here "
Yeah it's non other than Jiang Yanli, she was waiting in front of their office

" Don't be angry Miss Jiang they were really excited to meet you "

Jiang Yanli just laughed

Two more hours later ~

" Finally woke up ? "
Jiang Yanli greeted as they walked inside the office

" Shijie ! "
" A-Jie ! "
Both called out excitedly and almost jumped on their sister

" You two ! You are not children anymore ! So heavy "

" Shijie, what do you mean by not children anymore ? Isn't Xianxian only three ? "

" Hmph ! Three ? You are one " Jiang Cheng scolded

" Shut up if I am one that's means you are not even born yet "

" A-Jie look at him ! "

" Alright you two ~ go inside Mom is waiting for you "

" Mn "


Just as Wei Ying thought, he needs to go to the audition, no excuses.

He has actually made up with Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji apologized first ofcourse !
They talked till late on his tour. When he couldn't sleep because he was nervous or when he made a stupid mistake on stage.
Lan Wangji would always comfort him, tell him to keep his mind calm, send him pictures of his rabbits to cheer him up. And sometimes he would sing for him to make him go to sleep. He even stayed awake on phone still Wei Ying fell asleep.
He did so many sweet things for Wei Ying in such little time, Wei Ying can't deny his feelings anymore.

' Why did you make me feel so many things '
' Someone like him ... How can you make me so happy whenever I think about you '

There are so many things Wei Ying never tells anyone. Yes he is good at keeping his feelings buried deep inside but if someone can dug that deep they can get a really beautiful surprise along with the most painful scars.

He has always hid his scars from the world but something tells him he can open his heart to Lan Wangji anytime.
If there is someone who will not flinch at his ugly scars it will probably be Lan Wangji.

Maybe, it's time to give himself another chance ?

The words he heard from his mother ringed through his head again and again

Maybe, it's okay to start anew ?


The next day is a lazy day for the Twin Prides. A well deserved lazy day

" A- Xian A- Cheng I am hear to visit you"
And they have a visitor, whom they don't mind at all

" I brought soup ! "

The brothers are not out of their pajamas yet but they can have their sister's soup at any shape or form.

" A- Cheng ", Jiang Yanli made a gesture with her eyes like she is signalling her youngest brother to say something

Jiang Cheng got it immediately too
He put a hand on Wei Ying's knees and shook him lightly.

" Wei Ying, I have something to tell you"

" What ? You look so serious it's scaring me ! "

" I remember everything "

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