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On the stage,
on the set,
at the table cold read
I carefully
craft my lines
as my story's lead.

Every choice,
nuanced inflection
I harshly scrutinize
scene by scene.
Though no notes given
by unseeing eyes.

Is this good enough?
Am I worthy
of a hopeful call back?
No judgement.
No missive.
These days do they lack.

Keep up visage
and continue my lines.
Each scene I must top.
But the lights are blinding
as I strain to see
some signal for me to stop.

I've auditioned so long
to show a life worth
taking time for a closer look,
but the show has gone on.
The curtains long closed.
Ghost light for spotlight mistook.

Exeunt stage left.
Return to real life,
whatever that may mean.
Am I ever authentic,
or is it some script
and all I know are scenes?

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