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I wasn't sure what this was going to become or how I would use it. I figured I would just wander through my thoughts and see what would come out. Part reminiscing. Part therapy. Part exorcism. Part confessional.  Et cetera.  Trying to make sense of the stuff rattling around in my head. Helps me understand what I'm dealing with when I see it apart from me.

Who knows, though? Everything here is going to be in flux. Things appear, change, reorder, disappear. Like some awful, painfully slow performance art. Next week it may be recipes. I don't know. It's a mystery.

The pieces ahead are likely terrible and often vague. Things unsent and unspoken. Kept anonymous and open not just to protect those involved, but maybe so you can hear it in your own voice a little better, too. These things make sense to me and that's who this is for. That being said, if there's something you're looking for, maybe there's a bit in here that can help you find your way.  I hope you get to where you need to be.

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