Chapter 2 {Where are you?}

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I woke up the next morning, not wanting to get up. I know I should go now, but cna you blame me if I don't have the energy to go out?

Yet I force myself to go. It's not my best effort, but if I really want to find him then i'm willing to torture myself.

I stood up and fix my bed and change on some clean clothes. Once i've finish, I open the door and took one last look on the room before closing it. I took a last look because I still want to sleep, but who cares. I need to find Howl, My Love.

When i'm finally outside, I took a deep inhale and exhaled. I need to be pacient with this one. I need to keep my sanity first. I need to keep searching even tho it's hard for me and Howl.

I took a step forward and soon I found myself on the cobble stoned street again. Looking everywhere. I did'nt try to ask questions to anyone, since the last time I asked I was almost place in the mental hospital.

Because apparently, Howl is known as the bad guy in front of everyone. And i'm the only one who thinks his not, that's why i'm alone in this journey.

Walking on the street while my head moves around, is the most tiring thing I ever did. To be honest, I never Howl this way. I just bump into him and soon we're in relationship.

But now that I decided to let go, here I am torturing myself.

I pass by a random shop and since the shop looks so cute I took a look and my eyes widen. I run inside and held the man's hand with shoulder length blond hair.

''Howl?'' I asked as the man turn around.

''Sorry, how may I help you?'' the man asked, as my eyes water.

It was'nt him. It was just a random lad.

I shake my head ''Sorry, I mistook for someone else.'' I said my head hang low.

''Uhm, I beg your pardon. But did you just call me by the wizard named Howl?'' the lad asked once again.

I shake my head again, since I don't want to get into trouble.

''No, i'm sorry. I should get going.'' I said as I turn around but I was stopped by him holding my wrist.

''Hey, I never said you can go.'' he said as I try to let go from his grasp.

I struggle for a while until he decided to let go.

''All I wanted to tell you is... That wizard is'nt in this country. Hell, he would never come near here.'' the lad said as I face him now.

''Are you sure?'' I asked my face full of hope that someone can help me now.

''Yup. I don't know where is that nasty wizard hiding now, but he's not here, lady.''

My eyes waters from this statement. I never had the chance to ask anyone, and this is the first time someone helped me.

I bow and said ''Thank you for the kind information. I should get going now.'' with a smile on my face still crying from happiness, of course.

The lad did'nt say anything else and let me go from the shop. I went straight to the hotel I was staying and pack my things.

Not knowing where to go, yet I know that Howl will never come to this country. I check out and contiune my journy towards another country. It's not the best thing I ever done, but for Howl and I. I'll do it.

I travel another miles to the next destination. I did my best not to stumble, fall, and give up. I need to keeo going, because it will be un-Y/n of me if I give up now.

Our story is'nt over yet. I have to find Howl first before declaring the ending. I can't just say it's a sad ending if I still have'nt seenn Howl with another girl. I have to be sure first.

I took my time walking to another land. It might seem stupid of me, but maybe for love... I will never be stupid for doing this.


Night fell, and I still have'nt found another country. Can that lad be lying to me? No, he can't be, since everyone hate Howl anyways.

I want to rest but then I found a sparkle of light ahead. It must be a town.

So, I run as fast as I can and soon after, I was right. It was a town. It was like the others, are all country the same but different people?

I look around and found myself joining the others. I look around hoping this time, but of course it was antoher bad luck.

I came to search for a place to stay in for now, but it seems that I can't find any. Is this town really for real? Not place to stay? I can't just risk and ask a person to let me stay in their house. You might know what will happen to me there.

So instead, I continue to walk even tho my legs are ready to give up from walking. It might seem dangerous dong this, but who cares. I need to do this in order to find him.

I might not know, his just around here. And maybe, after I finish examining the whole town. I'll go to another country just to find Howl Pendragon. I'm not giving up, not this time.

My eyes were heavy, my legs are sore and i'm sure it's bleeding right now. Yet that did'nt stop, especialy that I have no place to stay to. I need to keep awake since this is'nt the first time I did this anyways.

I have done this way too many times. Not going to sleep and rather have bloody feet and dark eye bags. I did'nt even regret it, since I almost found Howl that day I did this. But I guess he got away or more like it was'nt him; like lately.

I keep up ignoring my health. I know what my brain is saying, but I rather follow my heart. Because my heart knows what to do, it knows what will be the ending.

That's why i'm still hoping, because one day all of this will be worth it. All my efforts, my sacrifices; will be worth, someday.

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