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Steve and Alex prepared to fight the monsters, as they start murdering the monsters Alex notices that her pet also attacks the monsters after she attacks. While Alex discovered a game-breaking discovery Steve finds a monster unlike the others, one that explodes when you are closer, it creeps towards its enemy and ignites itself as a defense mechanism. As Steve is going down in health, Alex saves him by hitting the creeper and backing up and finally shooting it with a bow. It dropped something that they will use later on. Alex then sees a tall black figure with deep purple eyes that seemed to be able to teleport, she aims and shoots at it but it teleported away. It started dead staring at her and screamed, the enderman teleported at her and started attacking her, Steve and the dog came to save her and killed it. The enderman dropped what looked like a green pebble. Steve threw this at Alex to catch but Steve teleported at her just like the enderman. They go to their base and study more about the world using the guide book. They learnt about the different minerals found deep in the caves, possible living beings and a civilization, a portal to another dimension created by building a 2 by 3 block frame with obsidian, new monsters and trees, structures found in this dimension that helps in gaining the final achievement, the world's strongest material hidden in the depths of this dimension, and the final dimension that has the final boss, the Ender dragon, beating the dragon gives access to a remote getaway to the outer islands of that dimension. With the goal of beating the dragon in mind, Steve and Alex go to sleep...

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