Chapter Thirteen

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"I am curious as to why you declined his proposal" He asked

Remi eyes widened. She never told anyone about the proposal chima made on the day they graduated.

"His family is well to do and he would have raised you 5 social classes" he said reclining into his seat and looking up at her. "or do you find humility in living as you do now... poor and disgraced"

"where's my family....I am not afraid to shoot you" she said bravely, despite her hand giving the state of her heart out as it shook and held on tighter to the gun. 

He stands up, steps forward, places his hand over hers and then on the barrel of the gun.

He raised the gun to the middle of his head. Remi's eyes followed suit. She held on tight to the weapon as she rediscovered the height difference between them.

He raised an eyebrow with a side grin on his face. He led the gun to his muscular chest and Remis eyes trailed after it when it went past his sharp jaws to his Adam apple before the middle of his chest.

He raised another eye brow again as if to ask her if this was a better place to leave a bullet. They both stood in silence as he trailed it further to the left of his broad muscular chest.

He trails it further down to his crotch area and his grin grew but his eyes were steady as a response to Remis facial reaction. 

He has to be crazy. How can he not be afraid of death.

She searched for fear in his eyes before giving up to the fear inside of her own heart.

Remi fell to her kneels. Eyes blurred as she bowed her head down. she placed the gun in between herself and his well polished sleek leather shoes.

"Please....I am sorry for what I have done and all that I have said... Just let me and my family go and you will never hear from me again, we will leave the city, we will leave the south west, we will go far away and stay far. I wont speak to anyone. I promise I wont cause you any trouble. Please" she said as her voice cracked till it succumbed to the tears behind her eyes.


She looked up at him slowly and He caressed her chin.

His words and actions were cold unlike the touch of his hand.

"You have already caused far too much trouble for me to let you go"

"please..." she said as she looked up at him, she looked into his eyes for a hint of pity or empathy  but his dark eyes gave nothing.

He took her by the hand and helped her up.

The door came open and the same man from earlier walked in.

Tobi held on to her left arm and reached into his pocket.

"Hold on to this for me" he said as he revealed a ring

"" she chocked on her word

He held on to her wrist as he proceeded to slide her finger into the ring, the finger that would signify she had accepted to marry a man. He held on tighter as she tried to withdraw her hand.

"Do not get me angrier than I already am, Remi" He said calmly as he took a pause from what he was doing to look at her,

Chills ran through her spine as their eyes met.

She looked from his face to  her hand as she calmly tried to pull away one last time to no avail.


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