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" I stand here before all of you today to attest and pledge my allegiance to all of you standing before me today,I promise to make Lagos better than our fore father's did, better than my biological father did. I promise to stand for people if the people stand for me" her husband Tobi Talabi said into the microphone with one hand mid air as he pledged to the crowd of elites on the field before the stage on which they stood.

" With the help of my amazing wife". He turned to stretch his hands as he smiled. It wasn't a smile it was a threat that only she knew. She took his hands as she stepped forward and stood beside him as the people cheered.

They loved the Cinderella story they had. They loved the Prince Charming and the pauper story they told. They loved their love that looked like scenes from a K-drama.

He was going to be the youngest governor Nigeria has ever had at age thirty five with the help of his Grandfather and as much as she hated to admit, with her help as well.

"With your support, we will make Lagos great again" he yelled as she lifted their entwined hands up. They hugged and he pecked her before turning to the crowd. One hand at the back of the other person and the other one waving high to the people who cheered. The body guards helped Tobi down. He turned around and offered her his hands again like a good husband should. She took it and smiled.

"Always smile" she heard the voice of the PR manager for his campaign say to her every time they encountered each other.

They walked towards their car that had flags on the boot and the bonnet. One car behind it and another in front as well as power bike entourages all stood on stand by. She tried to button his suit with the other hand.

" Always hold hands" the voice said again in her head

" Give them a Nigerian love story to gush about" she remembered his Grand-father say slowly as he sat in his arm chair

She stopped and turned to help him button his suit as he looked down at her not in admiration and not in disgust. She could never tell what he felt from his facial expressions simply because he had only one when he wasn't pretending for the camera.

She patted his shoulders before straightening his tie as she heard camera shutters, she had to give them something to glut about. She stood on her toes and kissed him softly on the lips. She smiled and they continued walking towards their car surrounded by body guards.

He opened the door for her to get into the car. She pecked him softly before entering the car. She knew about five different tabloids would have taken the picture of that delicate moment. She could imagine the headline above the picture of the Governorship Candidate being lovey- dovey with his wife as they stare into each other's eyes while he held the door for her.

"All men should take after him "

He got in after her and a body guard shut the door. The heavily tinted car started to move as did the other cars and power bikes that escorted the car and like every of their other drive home or to an event or manifesto or charity event it was quiet at first before the rest.

" You did well today" he said under his breath like he always did as he typed on his phone.

"It wasn't like I had a choice" Remi said back as she stared out the window As they drove past people that held posters of him and placard as they cheered. She could even see a few signs of her face as well.

He touched her hand and she snatched it away

" You disgust me, Tobi...Never forget that" Remi said towards him calmly.

He had changed her life within three months. He had to be the most self centred person she had ever met but she had no choice. She wished she did but she had no choice.

He looked at her unmoving by her outburst. He gripped her hand back and kissed the back of it roughly and held on to it tightly as she struggled to let herself loose. She tried using her other hand to loosen his grip but he held on to the both of them with one hand and removed the hair in her face with the other. She clinched and removed her face from his touch. As he stared into her eyes and kissed her roughly. She bit his lips, breaking the kiss.

 He looked at her in the eyes, his daring smirk on his face before he threw her hands away. He leaned into the seat and ran is fingers across the line of his lip, cleaning the side of his lips with his finger he could taste his blood.

He looked at the blood before pulling an handkerchief out from his suit jacket to clean it off. He wiped his lips and placed it back in his jacket.

A smirk grew on his face. He looked out the window and ran his hand across his jaw.

" You will get use to it my darling" he said as he picked up his phone to type on it "eventually". With a smirk, his thick eye brows arched deeper into his face.

A tear rolled down her face as she wished she could take back her decisions.

The long awaited story is here

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