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DEAR DIARY, this morning is...different. there is a change. I can feel it. It isn't a bad feeling it feels euphoric, I like lit. Rina smiles while writing, her mind drifting off to the boy that has been in her mind more than once lately.

For once, I'm looking forward to the day ahead. Because I know... I will see him again, I feel good.

As Sabrina walks about of her room dressed in her iconic white skirt, and bumps into Jenna. "Oh, Rina, do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?"

"Depends on where you're going?" Rina responded to her.

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference." Jenna said with a roll of the eyes, "hair up or down?" Making a make-shift ponytail then dropping it, her hair flowing down her back and shoulders.

As Jenna puts her up again into a ponytail Sabrina responds with a playful smirk, "sexy stewardess."

Then Jenna let's it down again, "boozy housewife."

Jenna looks at Rina offended, "up it is. You're feisty today."

Sabrina smiled hearing this, "yeah, well. I've decided to go for it. Fly free, walk in sunshine and all that jazz!"

"Where's Jeremy and Elena?" Sabrina questioned Jenna as she titled her head. "Oh, Jeremy left early. Something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse. And Elena is somewhere with Bonnie." Jenna explained but pauses thinking about what Jeremy said again.

"There is no wood shop, is there?" She questioned Rina, "Hmm, no I don't think so!"



In History class, Sabrina and Stefan is seen staring at each other while Mr. Tanner is talking. "Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration." 

Mr. Tanner then notices that his best student is not listening to him at all but giving all of her attention to the new boy that joined his class not too long ago. "Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Bradbury?"

Sabrina jumps in her seat hearing her last name and snaps her head to Mr. Tanner and mutters a quick 'sorry sir' while blush covers her face. Then the bell rings.

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