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Sabrina wakes up groggily, rubbing her eyes, after hearing a noise from downstairs. "Hello? Elena? Jeremy?" She said walking out of her room and down the stairs still half awake. Rina dragged her feet into the living room and tries to turn on the light, once she finds the light switch, she flickers it back and forth, "What the hell..? Why isn't it working?"

Then she jumps hearing the Tv come on, she turns around with furrowed eyebrows and watches the TV perplexed, unknowingly forming a pout. 

"This is Logan Fell coming to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls with breaking news of another deadly animal attack. The wild animal terrorizing the citizens of Mystic Falls has claimed another victim, local high school student Sabrina Bradbury. Police are certain that forensic evidence will confirm that this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks." The news guy explains.

"W-What...?" Rina stutters, switching the TV off and turning around only to jump seeing Damon there with his smirk, "You know what's coming next."

Sabrina shakes her head and runs out of the room, directly to the front door, she opens it, but then shuts it quickly after seeing Damon appearing there. She then slowly walks towards the stairs, shaking like a leaf, scared. Damon appears behind her and grabs her neck, forcing his head down biting her. Sabrina's ear-piercing scream echoing.



Stefan wakes up, taking a big inhale, breathing heavily, pushing himself up from his bed, he notices Damon in the corner siting on one of the chairs. 

"Bad dream?" Damon said smirking over at Stefan, "Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field." Damon's smirk grew, "Football reference." Then there was a pause. "Too soon?"

Stefan speds up and throws a knife a Damon, hitting in the stomach. Unfortunate for Stefan, it had no effect.

Damon pulls the knife out, not even flinching, "All right, I deserved that. But I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit." He said faking sympathy, "The animal responsible for killing coach Tanner and all those people."

"What are you talking about?" 

"It was a mountain lion." Damon said gesturing a big animal with his hands, "Really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. 'Deadly beast captured. All's well in Mystic Falls.'"

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