He's mine... She's mine... Ch. 6

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Just a couple more minutes, Evangeline told herself. Mr. Foreman, her history teacher, droned on and on about the Trojan War and Helen of Troy, who started it all. Eva struggled to not fall asleep. She had head propped up on her arm, every once in a while it would slip almost causing her to slam her face on the desk.
But... she managed. Five more minutes until lunch.


Eva jumped in surprise and tried to feign indifference. Hopefully no one saw that because if the kids ever saw her make a fool of herself she would never hear the end of it. It's been like that ever since her father decided to pay her a visit one day drunk. Everyone at school already thought she was a freak, witnessing her with her father only made it worse. You would expect that they would feel some sort of sympathy for her, but no they only made things more difficult. It was just something else that they held against her.

She trudged down the hallway slowly, she hated going to lunch but it was the only time that teachers weren't shoving information into her brain. It was a time for her brain to rest but the only part that she hated the most was seeing Alexander. Without being with him.

She opened her locker, looking at the pictures that kept her sane through the day. There in her locker door was the picture of her and Alexander kissing in front of a scenery of a lake. It was the day that he confessed that he was in love with her. It was the best day of her life.

After putting in her books and taking out the other ones she needed for the day, she closed her locker and headed to the cafeteria.


"I'm so sorry! Are you OK?" Eva looked down at the person she knocked down. She was so caught up reminiscing that she didn't pay attention when turning the corner.

The stranger chuckled," that's alright, I guess it was my fault too." He looked up at Eva and smiled, a real genuine unexpected smile.

Unexpected because if it would have been anyone else she would have been told off and humiliated. At this surprise she smiled and held out her arm, which he gratefuly took and stood up.

"Hey you're the new kid right?"

"Yea, and you're that girl that I saw at the bike rack right?"

At this Eva flushed," Umm, it was just that I was caught off guard. We usually don't get new students here so I was just curious to see who you were."

"No worries, I get it." He held out his hand," my name is Rob."

Eva took it," nice bumpin into to you, I'm Eva."

He laughed. "More like knocking down."

"Hey you're alright aren't you?"

He sighed," I don't know I think you knocked the breath out of me when you basically tackled me down."

"Oh you're a smart mouth huh?" Eva was smiling! She was actually having a nice conversation with someone.

"Yea one of my many charming qualities." He grinned when Eva rolled her eyes.

"So where were you headed?"

"Actually I was looking for the cafeteria, but I think I'm lost." He said this almost sheepishly, and Eva was surprised to find out that he wasn't anything like the 'bad boy' she pegged him for.

"Oh well you just passed it." She pointed towards the double doors and laughed at the embarrassed expression on Rob's face.

"Well don't I look like a fool." He looked down at Eva looking as if he didn't know how to form his next sentence.

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