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CASSIE FELT A LITTLE BIT BETTER AFTER HER CHAT WITH PROFESSOR SPROUT, and had returned to her common room acting as if nothing had happened

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CASSIE FELT A LITTLE BIT BETTER AFTER HER CHAT WITH PROFESSOR SPROUT, and had returned to her common room acting as if nothing had happened. However, she was not expecting to see Aurora, Rowan and Callie all sat on the sofas, having a conversation with Cedric. She froze in her steps, this was the first time her siblings had ever been in her common room and they looked like they were enjoying it.

There was plants on shelves, yellow poufs, armchairs, and sofa's scattered around the room. There was a table in the corner for people to do some homework. The fireplace was the only source of light, and it illuminated all of their faces, lighting up their eyes. In their hands was mugs, Rowan probably had a cup of warm milk, Aurora probably had a cup of coffee, and Callie probably had a cup of tea. All the Smith siblings were different in so many ways, but their biggest difference was what type of hot drink they preferred.

Cassie went onto her tip-toes, and tried to sneak passed them so she could go to bed, however, Cedric spotted her in an instant. He paused mid conversation, and tilted his head, "Hey, Cassie," he said, making her siblings eyes shoot in her direction, "Come sit."

Cassie let out a sigh, and went and sat herself on the pouf. Nobody ever dared to sit on the pouf right opposite the fire. It was Cassie's, she had claimed it her very first day of Hogwarts, and ever since then, it was an unspoken rule that nobody sat in it. However, the prefects made it their duty to tell first years about this pouf being Cassie's for the last two years.

The whole house adored the girl, but her only friend was Cedric. She was too scared to talk to the rest. Not as if they tried making much conversation with her anyway. Cassie swore the last time Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott spoke to her was the first day of Hogwarts.

Immediately seeing the pouf, Cassie ran towards it, taking a seat and letting the fire warm her up. She had entered Hogwarts with a bad cold, so the eleven year old needed warming up. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the heat hitting her face when she felt two people lurking behind her.

It was Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott. It was the latter who spoke up, "You must be Cassiopeia Smith?"

Cassie panicked. Nobody, other than her family, had ever tried talking to her before. "No," was her reply, and ever since then the duo thought that the blonde just didn't want to be friends with them, so they just never bothered.

"How are you feeling?" Aurora wondered softly, breaking the awkward silence. In all honesty, Cassie much preferred the silence. Talking about how she felt was not a strong trait of hers. She didn't want to seem like she was looking for attention if she ever told someone how poorly she thought of herself, and hearing Pansy's words made it all worse.

"Fine," replied Cassie awkwardly, accepting the mug of hot chocolate Cedric pushed her way. She took a sip, ignoring how it burnt her tongue and forced a fake smile onto her face. Callie, however, knew her twin more than anyone.

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter," Callie rose her eyebrows, her voice coming off strong but delicate. "You're not fine. If you were fine, you wouldn't have disappeared after Parkinson made that comment, and you definitely wouldn't have missed lunch. So, what's bothering you? And don't bother saying Parkinson, because I know there's more to it than her."

Sometimes Cassie hated how well Callie knew her, but most of the time she loved it. If Callie didn't know her well, she would've never opened up about her feelings to anyone. Callie constantly pushing about her feelings was what made Cassie finally talk, it proved Callie actually cared.

Cassie glanced down at her mug, "Well, some of it is Parkinson," she admitted quietly, "Like the things she said, I just can't help but believe it, y'know? Someone could use an unforgiveable on me, and hearing the words Parkinson said would still hurt more. I can deal with physical pain, but I can't deal with emotional pain."

There was a moment of silence before Cassie continued, "And then there's what happened on the train with the dementors, and my nightmare not long before it -- it's practically eating me alive because the nightmare just feels so real. Sometimes I wake up and think Cedric is actually dead. Sometimes I wake up and believe you-know-who is back, and then I'm scared. What if one day he does come back? If I can't defend myself in a verbal argument, how am I going to win a duel? Especially one against the death eaters, who just murder for fun."

Cassie took a sip of her hot chocolate. She hated talking about how she felt, because once she starts talking, she won't stop until it's all out.

"And then, there's Professor Lupin," she said, making the Smith children's eyes water. Rowan reached over, grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "He calls himself our father, but he disappears for a good couple of years with no explanation why, and is suddenly back in our life, teaching here at Hogwarts? It is not fair on his children, the ones he abandoned when he decided we weren't good enough for him. Everytime I look at him, though I do try not to, I'm reminded of the pain I felt. I hoped for a year that he'd return. Everynight, I sat by my window, hoping to see his silhouette approaching our house. But, he never came back. The night he left, he took away my happiness, and just when it was all coming back, he's back in my life -- our life -- and my happiness is back out the window."

The Smith's and Cedric were all amazed at how quickly Cassie had opened up, she had never opened up that fast before. Cassie let out a sigh, drinking the rest of her hot chocolate. Callie pursed her lips, "I hope you know, Parkinson won't ever say anything like that to you again. And you most certainly should not listen to what she says -- you are beautiful inside and out, you literally have a heart of gold, the most prettiest green eyes I had ever seen, and the most beautiful smile ever."

Aurora nodded her head, agreeing, "Yeah, and what happened on the train, stays on the train. Cedric is fine, he's not dying anytime soon, and you-know-who definitely isn't returning. He's long gone, Cass, and it's just the fear inside of you that's making you have these nightmares all the time. It's because of your anxiety, not because it's going to come true."

Rowan sat up straighter in his seat, "And about dad," he was unsure of which part to start with, "It is super shitty that he disappears for years and has now turned up out of the blue, but there's nothing we can do to change that. And no, it most certainly is not fair on us, either. Dumbledore could've at least gave us a warning, because I know we all would've stayed home this year in order to avoid him. Trust me, Cass, we know how much he meant to you. He was the light of your life, he was your best friend, but it's time to let go of the past. Focus on your learning, on your future, don't let him distract you from everything you want to do in life. He's not worth a single second of your thought."

Cedric sent Cassie a soft smile, "Besides, you need to focus on coming out of your shell. So, in order to do that, you have to overcome your fear after figuring out which fear keeps you from saying what you want, and doing what you want, and you need to fight the fear away... Merlin, that was a mouthful."

Cassie felt tears in her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away. Hearing those words gave her a lot of reassurance. She was going to be fine, they were all going to be fine.

A/N: awe bless cedric's cotton socks... i dont like him.
QOTD: who is your favourite hp villain?
AOTD: peter, he isn't really a good villain but the storyline he has is amazing, plus i'm a sucker for young wormy.

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