Saving Mike

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Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary appear cautiously from behind a row of lockers. "Come on, the coast is clear. Okay, all we have to do is get rid of those "things." So wait here, while I get their card key." Mike said. "But we can't go in there! This is the men's room." (Y/n) said. Mike stares at her as if she is insane. "That is the weirdest thing you have ever said. And I barely even know you. It's fine. It's okay. Look, you'll love it here! The other one's dancing with joy!" Mike said. (Y/n) turns to Mike in disbelief. "She's not dancing, that means she has to go to the bathroom, idiot." (Y/n) snaps, and Mikey marches towards her. "Why you little-" Sulley quickly gets in between them. "Whoa, whoa, hang on. Let's just get her to the potty, okay?" Sulley asked Mike. He just groans, then walks away. Sulley and (Y/n) stand waiting in front of a bathroom stall. Inside, Mary sings, causing (Y/n) to chuckle. "Okay, sis, are you done in there?" (Y/n) starts to poke the door open. "YAHH! GWAA!" Mary shouts, and (Y/n) quickly shuts the door. "Oops, sorry. Apparently not." She said quickly, and Sulley chuckles. Mary continues singing. The singing stops. Then finally, a flush.

"Okay, you're finished now, right?" (Y/n) asked. She opens the door again. "Hello?" Sulley asked. (Y/n) and Sulley rush in as the water in the giant toilet swirls around. Surely she's gone down. He's about to jam his arm into the bowl when... "Boo!" The two spin around to find Mary standing behind them. "Whew." They both said. Mary wears a big goofy grin that says "Gotcha!" She giggles, then grabs (Y/n)'s right arm and scampers off to hide behind another stall with her. Sulley chuckles as he walks toward them. "Where did they go? Did they disappear? Did they turn invisible? I just have no idea." Sulley said dramatically. Mary and (Y/n) both giggle, enjoying the game. "Oh yeah, sis. We picked a great hiding spot. He'll NEVER find us in here." (Y/n) said, also being dramatic. Sulley smirks in her direction. Sulley pauses in front of their stall, then turns and opens it. "Gotcha!" But it was empty. "Boo! (Y/n)!" He shouted. They peek out from a different stall, and Mary giggles. "Hey, you're good!" Sulley said, genuinely impressed. Mike prepares himself and walks towards Roz's station. "Be relaxed, be relaxed, be relaxed." Mike approaches Roz's desk. "Roz, my tender, oozing blossom, you're looking fabulous today. Is that a new haircut?" Roz stares back at him, expressionless.

 "Come on, tell me. It's a new haircut, isn't it? That's got to be a new haircut. New makeup? You had a lift? You had a tuck? You had something? Something has been inserted in you that makes you look like..." Mike sighs. "Listen, I need a favor. Randall was working late last night out on the scare floor. I really need the key for the door he was using." Mike said. "Well, isn't that nice? But guess what? You didn't turn in your paperwork last night." She said. "He didn't... I mean I... no p-p-paperwork?!" Mike asked. "This office is now closed." Roz slams the front panel of her desk on Mike's fingers. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" He shouted. Back in the bathroom, Sulley crawls playfully along the row of stalls. "Ready or not, here I come!! I'm getting warmer, any second now! FEE, FI, FOE-" Mike enters, rubbing his sore fingers. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!?" Mike asked. Sulley stands up. "Uh, um, I'm looking for the kids." He said. "You lost them???!!" Mike shouted. "No, no, they were just—" "Sulley!" (Y/n) shouted. Mary and (Y/n) run up and latch onto Sulley's arm, Mary is whimpering. "Here they are. Hey, what's the matter?" Sulley asked. "It's Randall!" (Y/n) shouted, also visibly scared. Sulley and Mike look at each other with concern then hear Randall approaching. "Look, I already told your buddies I haven't seen anything!" Randall shouted. "All right. Carry on." A CDA Agent said.

Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary duck into a stall and scramble atop the toilet to avoid being spotted. Randall enters the bathroom, growling. He washes his hands. Mary sees him through the crack in the door and whimpers, and (Y/n) hugs her. Sulley awkwardly does his best to comfort her too. Mike's foot slips into the toilet water. Randall stops. "Randall!" Fungus shouted, suddenly entering the room. "Aah!" Randall shouted, startled. "Thank goodness. What are we going to do about the children?!" Fungus shouted. "Will you... shhhh!" Randall grabs Fungus' mouth, shutting him up. Randall disappears. Fungus looks around, confused. The first stall door in the row suddenly slams open. Randall materializes. Fungus waits impatiently, pointing to the newspaper as Randall kicks open each stall door. The four shudder in the stall, awaiting their turn. Just as Randall is about to kick open their door, Fungus pops in front of him. "THE FRONT PAGE! They're on the front page! The children! The ones you were after!" Fungus shouted impatiently. "Will you be quiet?! Don't you think I'm aware of the situation? I was up all night trying to find them!" Randall shouted. "I did a simple calculation factoring in the size of the sushi restaurant. The children may have escaped!" Fungus said. "Yeah, well, until we know for sure, we're gonna act like nothing happened, understand? You just get the machine up and running, I'll take care of the kids. And when I find whoever let them out, they're DEAD!" Randall angrily hits the stall door. It swings open, exposing Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary. It swings shut again. (Y/n) gasps and clings onto Sulley's left arm. Sulley knew she was scared, but he felt the clutch being a more protective one. "Why are you still here? COME ON! GO! MOVE! NOW!" Randall shouted.

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