Tricking Mr. Waternoose

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Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Boo climb onto their door. "Okay, girls, it's time to go home. Take care of yourselves and be good girls, okay?" Sulley asked. "Hey, you and Mikey take care of yourselves too, okay?" (Y/n) asked, and Sulley chuckles. "Deal." He said. Mike opens the door, but sees only other doors stacked behind it. "Oh, no!" Mike said. "The power's out. Make Boo laugh again." (Y/n) said. "All right, I got a move here. It'll bring down the house. Up!" Mike jumps gracefully into the air and does a flip, landing crotch first on top of the metal door track. "Hehh?" Mike asked. (Y/n) notices that Boo's hood is down. "Oh, sorry, she didn't see that." (Y/n) said, lifting Boo's head. "WHAT?! What'd you do, forget to check if her stupid hood was up, you big dope?!" Mike snapped, and Boo frowns. She doesn't like Mike yelling at her older sister. "Uncle Mike, try not to yell in front of her. You know we still need her to laugh." Sully said. "Right." Mike laughs. "Hey, Boo, just kidding. Look!" Mike closes the door on his face, squishing it and making a goofy face. "Hello, Boo!" Mike said through smashed lips. 

Nothing from Boo, who is not in the mood to laugh now, and (Y/n) sighs. "This isn't working." She said. "Funny, right?" Mike chuckles. "See, with the... These are the jokes, kid." Mike said. Their door jerks violently and heads off towards the exit. Mike, Sulley, (Y/n) and Mary hang onto the door as it moves. "Whoa!" Mike said. "What's happening?" (Y/n) asked. "Hold on!" Sulley shouted. Waternoose stands at an empty door station with their card key in his claw. He addresses a group of CDA agents. "When the door lands in this station, cut the power. You'll have the children, and the criminals responsible for this whole mess." He said. Their door sails out of the vault corridor and into the Scare Floor. Sulley, Mike, (Y/n) and Mary peek out from behind the door and see Waternoose and the CDA agents below. "Great. A welcoming committee! What are we gonna do?" Mike asked. Sulley has an idea. The door lands in the station. The power shuts off. "This is the CDA. Come out slowly with the children in plain sight." An agent said. Mike emerges from behind the door, carrying Boo's and (Y/n)'s monster costumes. "Okay, okay! You got us. Here we are. Here are the kids. I'm cooperating. But before you take us away, I have one thing to say." Mike sticks his tongue out. There's a sock on it. "Catch!" Mike shouted, throwing the sock. It lands on an agent in the middle of the pack! The frenzied CDA agents pounce on the agent with the sock. "23-19! We have a toxic projectile! Isolate the contaminate!"

Mike takes off, carrying Boo's and (Y/n)'s monster disguises. The CDA agents see this and chase after them. "Halt! After the suspect!" "Cover the area! Bring in reinforcements!" Waternoose takes up the rear. "Stop him!" He shouted. As the commotion clears, Sulley peeks out from behind the door. Maryand (Y/n) are with him, now out of their disguises and Mary is wearing only one sock. "Mike." (Y/n) said worriedly. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." Sulley said. He pops the door out of its station and heads for the exit. "Come on." Waternoose hurries after the CDA agents. "Don't let them get away!" CLANG! Waternoose spins around to see Sulley, who has knocked over a stack of cans during his escape. Sulley scoops up Mary and (Y/n) and their door and heads for the Simulation Room. "No, wait, wait. Come back. He has the children!" Waternoose shouted. It's no use, the agents have already disappeared after Mike. Waternoose lunges after Sulley like a wild animal. Sulley races down the hall, with Mary and (Y/n) in one arm, and their door in the other. Waternoose clambers after them, closing in. "Sullivan! SULLIVAN! Give me the children!" He shouted. "We are not going with you!" (Y/n) shouted. 

"Give them to me!" Sulley bursts through the door of the Simulator Room, Waternoose closes the door behind. Sulley breaks a pipe off the wall and slides it through the door handles just as Waternoose slams against the door. Sulley lends the pipe around the handles to secure it. He frantically removes the door that's currently in the station. "Open this door! OPEN THIS DOOR!" Waternoose shouted, slamming against the door. Sulley replaces the simulator door with their door. Waternoose scratches at the doors. "SULLIVAN!!" Mary screams and braces herself in fear and (Y/n) hugs her. "It's okay. Boo." She said softly. "Don't go in there!" Waternoose shouted. Sulley pushes a button on the door station keypad, picks Mary and (Y/n) up and runs inside. "Come on!" He shouted. Sulley looks back at Waternoose. "DON'T GO IN THAT ROOM!!!" Sulley closes the closet door behind him. Waternoose yells and beats against the Tryout Room door. Sulley stands over the bed, tucking in the sheets. "I think we stopped him, guys. You're safe now. You be good girls, okay?" Sulley asked. SLAM! Sulley turns to see Waternoose standing in the room, closing the door behind him. "This has gone far enough, James!" He shouted. Sulley stands protectively in front of the bed. "They're home now! Just leave them alone!" He shouted. "I can't do that! They've seen too much. You ALL have." He said. "So what are you going to do? Kill us?" (Y/n) asked. "Yes." Waternoose said. And (Y/n) saw Sulley's eyes widen and she saw the fear in his eyes. "It doesn't have to be this way." Sulley said. 

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