Chapter 5: Fractures and Friends

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Friday was his first Potions class, and Neville was hoping that Snape would be nicer to him since he passed the class last year. There was no such luck to be had, Snape had not changed a bit. He was still bent on humiliating Harry, as well as drawing attention to every mistake that Neville made. Neville was pleased that he was paired with Stephen this year instead of Seamus since he found it difficult to understand the Irish accent. But then he began to wonder if Seamus asked to be paired with someone else, and he was feeling self-conscious about it.

The first weekend at Hogwarts started off pretty strange. Colin Creevey followed him and Luna around wanting to get to know him better. Neville liked him just fine, but he was uncomfortable with all the personal questions. It made him even more uncomfortable to realize how boring his life was, and how much Colin's questions sounded like Lockhart's quiz.

Neville and Luna mostly finished working on the 'Quibbler' Puzzle together, and then talked about what else they could do until the next 'Quibbler' was released. They settled on playing Wizard's Chess because Luna didn't care for Gobstones, and they both thought Exploding Snaps was too noisy. Even though they offered for Colin to play as well, he passed on most of his games and didn't bother hanging out with them on Sunday.

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The second week of classes began with Charms. Flitwick was teaching the 'Skourge' Charm, so he had the Fat Friar and Nearly-Headless Nick assisting. The Ghosts would pass through the desks to leave a spot of ectoplasm, and the students would practice removing it.

Neville's Spell was starting to reduce the size of his goo-spot when everyone's progress was interrupted. Malfoy figured out that 'Skourge' could also be used to scare off Ghosts, and thought it would be funny to do just that. Flitwick took ten points from Slytherin, but with the Ghosts gone no one else had the opportunity to practice.

After lunch was more theory review in Transfiguration. They discussed the five exceptions to Gamp's Law: food, money, health, love and death. Neville understood this well enough, but did struggle to remember all five at the same time.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was next, and Neville wanted Lockhart to redeem himself by teaching a proper class. Lockhart entered the room carrying a large birdcage covered by a black cloth which seemed hopeful. He placed it on his desk then addressed the class with his trademark grin.

"It is my job, as your esteemed teacher, to arm you against the foulest creatures known to Wizardkind," he began. "Be warned, in this very room you may well face your worst fears."

Some of the students gasped when something jostled the cage. "I would ask you to remain calm; no harm can befall you while I am here. And, please, do not scream . . . it might provoke them."

Lockhart reached his hand to the top of the cage and the class held its collective breath. He whipped off the cover to reveal a dozen small winged creatures. They were an electric blue color and had pointed features.

Seamus began laughing, but Lockhart mistook his reaction, "Remain calm!"

"Cornish Pixies," Seamus said between snorts of laughter, "not very dangerous, are they."

"Oh, don't be so sure Mr. Finnigan," Lockhart corrected, "they can be devilishly tricky."

The longer they were uncovered, the more raucous they became; rattling the bars, making faces at the students, and jabbering with their shrill voices.

"Right, then," Lockhart announced, "let's see what you make of them."

He opened the cage door and the Pixies flooded out, scattering all over the classroom like blue paint. The entire room was pandemonium: the Pixies were shredding papers, pulling down paintings, dumping out the trash bin, dive-bombing students with ink bottles, and two of them smashed through a window.

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