Chapter 8: Visiting Dumbledore

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Filch was pushing through the crowd of students. "What's going on here! Out of the way!" He emerged from the crowd and a look of horror came across his face.

"My cat. What's happened to Mrs. Norris!" He looked around and saw that Neville and Luna were apart from the crowd.

"You!" he screamed, "You've murdered Mrs. Norris! I'll kill you! I'll –"

"Argus!" Dumbledore's voice boomed over Filch. He rushed across the corridor and removed Mrs. Norris from the wall.

"Come with me Mr. Filch," Dumbledore said calmly. "You two as well Mr. Longbottom and Miss Lovegood."

"Might I suggest using my office," Lockhart interjected, "it's the nearest to here."

"Thank you, Professor Lockhart," Dumbledore said, and he led them in that direction. Professors Snape and McGonagall also followed.

They all entered Lockhart's office and the many pictures of Lockhart craned their necks trying to get a look at what was happening. Neville, Luna and Filch were offered seats while Snape and McGonagall seemed to guard the door. Dumbledore placed the cat's rigid body on the desk and sat at the desk himself.

Lockhart hovered around the room whispering suggestions for all to hear as Dumbledore closely examined Mrs. Norris. "Definitely a Curse that killed her . . . possibly tortured . . . Could have prevented it if I was there in time." And the pictures of Lockhart were all nodding in agreement.

Each comment by Lockhart brought fresh sobs from Filch. Neville felt sorry for him, but was terrified that he and Luna would be held responsible.

Dumbledore finally sat up and said, "She is not dead, Argus."

"Not dead?" Filch choked out through his sobs. "Then why is she stiff an' all?"

"Mrs. Norris has been petrified, although I cannot tell how."

"Ah, petrified," Lockhart muttered, "just as I thought."

"I know how," barked Filch pointing at Neville, "ask him, he can tell ya!"

"It would take advanced Dark Magic to do this," Dumbledore said firmly, "Magic far beyond that of a Second-year."

"It had to be him," Filch argued, "you saw what he wrote on the wall!"

"If I may, Headmaster," inserted Snape as he stepped forward.  "I believe Longbottom and his . . . friend were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is certainly no sign of blood on them." Neville was surprised by this, until he saw the sneer on Snape's lips. "However, there is the question of what they were doing there. After all, they were not at the Feast."

Everyone, including the pictures of Lockhart, turned to look at them. "We went for an evening stroll," Luna said.

"Yeah," Neville added, "and we just got back when . . . When we headed for our Dorms."

"Was there something more?" Snape's sneer turned into a grin.

"If you don't mind," Neville was looking at the floor, then looked to Dumbledore, "could we speak with you in private?"

"I have a right to hear what he done to my cat!" Filch demanded.

Dumbledore looked at Neville over his half-moon glasses, his light-blue eyes twinkling. "Innocent until proven guilty, Mr. Filch. But do not despair, Mrs. Norris can be restored."

"Of course," Lockhart stepped in again, "I would be more than happy to whip up a 'Petrification Restorative Draught'. I've done it countless times."

"Excuse me," said Snape, turning his glare toward Lockhart," I believe that I am the Potions Master at this school."

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