Chapter 12: Parseltongue

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The next morning, Neville planned on talking to Justin about what happened, but he wasn't at breakfast. They both had Herbology first thing, but there was a blizzard in the night and Herbology had been canceled. Neville went to the Greenhouses anyway to ask Professor Sprout if she needed help with the Mandrakes.

Professor Sprout was glad for the help, so he spent the next hour putting sweaters on the Mandrakes. As they worked, Neville asked when the Mandrakes would be ready. Professor Sprout explained that they take a little longer when grown in Greenhouses, but they should be ready a couple of weeks before Finals. She added that they would still need some preparation before being added to the necessary Potions in order to de-petrify Colin and Mrs. Norris.

With that task completed, Neville thought he might catch the Second-year Hufflepuffs in the Library, and hoped that Justin would be with them. He headed in that direction but then stopped - he heard the Voice again.

. . . rip . . . tear . . . kill . . .

He ran in the direction that he heard it. Down this corridor, up those stairs, around that corner. He stopped to listen, but didn't have to wait long.

. . . must kill this time . . .

He didn't know what else to do but chase the Voice. He went down another corridor and around a corner then tripped. He rolled into a sitting position and saw his skinned knee through a hole in his pants. Then he saw what he had tripped over . . . Justin Finch-Fletchley was laying on his back, and he was stiff as a board. He also saw that Nearly-Headless Nick was hovering above him, and he wasn't moving either.

Neville did see something move, it was Trevor. He reached out for his toad who hopped away. Neville ended up chasing him halfway down the corridor and caught him right in front of a group of Hufflepuffs.

"What are you running from, Longbottom," said a kid he knew was friends with Justin.

"I was just . . ." and he held Trevor up.

One of the other kids pointed and said, "Ernie, look over there."

Neville instinctively looked as well, it was strange to see Nick floating there - unmoving - and just past Nick was Justin.

"What did you do to him?" And the boy started to yell, "We caught him in the act! He was trying to get away but we caught him!"

The nearby classrooms emptied into the corridor, and McGonagall was the first teacher on the scene. She tried to disperse the crowd, but no one would leave and Neville just sat on the floor. There were so many people there, they had all heard the accusation, they all would likely think he was guilty. His chest was feeling tight and he couldn't get a full breath.

Snape and Flitwick arrived, so McGonagall put them in charge as she escorted Neville to Dumbledore's office.

"I don't know how you managed to step into this one," McGonagall lectured as Neville tried to keep up with her brisk walk, "but this is out of my hands, Longbottom."

Neville had developed a buzzing in his ears, and his whole body felt overheated by the time they reached the Griffin statue.

"Sherbert Lemon," and McGonagall prodded him onto the staircase. As the stairs took him upward, Neville was taking large gulps of air because he was starting to feel light-headed. By the time he reached the top he was no longer light-headed, and his body temperature was starting to decrease.

The office door was half open so Neville entered. When he announced himself his voice was barely a whisper, then he worked some moisture back into his mouth and spoke more clearly. There was no answer, so he wandered around the office and looked at Dumbledore's trinkets as he continued to take steady breaths. Inside one glass cabinet there was an ornate basin that was filled with a silvery liquid. Neville wondered what kind of potion was kept in it.

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